kakak minta wpe dunks please
atachfileny ada virus... jgn d download...sebener nya HP hack klo pake heal area/single heal jarak jauh udah kepikiran dari dolo IDE na ama wa...
tapi ga nyangka ada yg berhasil yah.. wkwkwkkw...
coba ahhh... pake WPE khan ???
eh.. kk casablanca ama psycicangel udah coba berhasil gak sih ????
oh yah ..
alamat donlot CE : http://anonym.to/?http://anonym.to/?http:/...eatEngine52.exe
WPE memang pasti di anggap virus.....atachfileny ada virus... jgn d download...
pake link 1ny aja tuh...
peace.. skedar ngasih twu agar yg laen gk kejebak.
wew...... Rp. 5jt (rupiah)...?Info neh :
Lv 0-170 = biaya Rp. 5jt
Lv 117-170 = biaya Rp. 3.5jt
yg minat PM me, karena Resource Via GW sebagai mediator.h34r:
kk, bagi2 cit ran donk. plisssss aku maen nya dah lama tp lvl masih 27. gmn yah klu kk yg baik hati ini mau ngirimin aku cit dan cara makenya kirim ke e-mail aku ya =the_best_andry[No Junk eMaiL with Yahoo.com] thanks ro you foreverWew KOk eror? Kok Link nya eror Gi mana mau download?
kk kirimin aku cit ran donk. aku dah maen nya dah lama tp masih lvl 27. ni e-mail aku= the_best_andry[No Junk eMaiL with Yahoo.com]apa ya yg d bilangin gw
kalo masalah healer itu
sebenernya d malay berlaku
walaupun lvl d atas 10
tetep msh bisa minta heal
tapi kan...
Jaspace belajar dari pengalamana
coz pas close beta gw ngobrol ma GM
ternyata rata2 mereka juga user pas d malay dulu
so apa yg gw bisa percuma langsung d patch
mulai dari heal d atas lvl 10 via npc apapun
sampe tembak momon tanpa liad momon nya
d patch semua
yg sisa itu
healer makro yg d released
ama healer via WPE kalo msh bisa
so sang healer ga perlu ikut loe hunt tapi tetep bisa hunt
ga berlaku bwat hunt coz si healer ga akan dpt exp
but berlaku bwat war
tuch rahasia dulu gw d keroyok 20 org SG dng lvl sebanding ga mati mati
lvl 91 mentok saat itu gw lvl 90 ZzZz
simpel kan?
caranya gimana?
clue nya dah d kasih kan
kalo msh bisa ya
ga sempet maen ran soalnya lagi d luar kota
gw anggap GG nya ran itu lemah kok
ini khan namanya jalan TOL alias bebas hambatan.wew...... Rp. 5jt (rupiah)...?
mending aku maen terus tiap hari (10 jam minimal) pake kalung aegis... kayaknya 3-6 bulan sampe deeh level segitu....
:smile: :surprise: :smile: :surprise: :beer: :smile:
Ok De Tak Tanya Am yang Punya Warnet Nya,,,@khaeltaS
wduh nama lo skeg tingal dmn kalo di daeerah jakarta sih bisa...
tapi kalo luar jakarta nda banding deh.....
kalo mau webnya aja boss nanti biar gue download d sini...
buat naikin lv kagak pake cheats :00100000:yang nyediain jasa cheat nya aja gamparin siksa sampe mo ngaku!!!!
wkwkwkwkw.... ^^
emangnya kamu dah ada tutornya....AloWWWWWW.....Kk2 sekalian aku mo tanya seputar CE nih ada yg tau ga caranya ngubah status Char d Ran Online secara permanen, soalnya gw dah cobain pake TSearch memang status Char -nya berubah (Ex: Attck/Dmg), tapi pas gw off trus masuk lagi ehhh.....kembali lagi k awal nah gimana nih kk sekalian ada yang tau g caranya biar kode yg kita masukin jadi permanen gtu ....
Thanx atas segala bantuannya bener2 gw butuh coz dah penat banget mainin Ran JS yg seret bin pelid ama Gold cry.png
nie tutornya
HP hack (Very Easy)
1 Start up Ran and login
2 Alt-Tab and start up WPE, Select Target Program and Choose 'Game.exe"
3 while still in WPE Click File then option
4 Remove all the check marks and leave only Send checked
5 Alt-tab back into Ran and move your toon over to the NPC Called "College Snitch"
6 Talk to the NPC Called College Snitch but DO NOT Select an option
7 Alt-Tab Back into Wpe and start logging (the Play button in the top left)
8 Alt-Tab over to Ran and Select "Asked to be healed"
9 Once again Alt-Tab in to WPE and Stop Logging ( the Stop Button in the Top left
10 You Shold have 1 Packet in the window on the right
11 Rightclick on the Packet and Choose "Send"
12 a window will popup, on the bottom left you sill see some options
13 choose "Continuously" (you could change the timer to 100 if you like)
14 Alt-Tab back into Ran
15 Have fun! you now have unlimited HP MP SP all that shit
Notes:you will see the option for Level 10 and below, If you leave the Campus (enter a building) you will not be healed
basicly what you are doing is sending the "Asked to be healed" Packet non stop to the College snitch, since she is not in any buildings the packet will not work
I offer no support for this its here now, if ya cant figure out this simple walkthrough, then there is no hope for you, sorry
ok For level 11 and above Download the Send Filter i have uploaded
In Wpepro at the bottom left you will see 2 Tabs labled "Filter" and "Send"
Select Send and and Click on the Little open folder icon
Now Talk to the College Snitch and choose the Set save point option
Alt Tab and stop logging, there should be one packet
Right click on that packet and select "Set Send List with this Socket ID"
Hit Send and away ya go
wow lvl 0-170 total 8.5jt mending bli char lgsg..mumpung byk yg pensiunklo boleh nambahin, cheats ranonline tidak bakal bisa nembus server ran indo.
coba aja loe ping ke www.ranonline.co.id bakal rto
karena semua port ditutup
kecuali loe tau port dan addressnya...![]()
tp gw denger ada yg bisa naikin LV.
Info neh :
Lv 0-170 = biaya Rp. 5jt
Lv 117-170 = biaya Rp. 3.5jt
yg minat PM me, karena Resource Via GW sebagai mediator. :smiley_beer: