Sabar gan, mungkin mereka masih ada kesibukan dan blom di rilis, klo udh di rilis silahkan di pakai.. ingat.. jangan terlalu dipaksa coz klo di sini gk ada silahkan di ubek2 tempat lain okkalau forum ini masih aktif tolong PM yah soalnya forum ini sepi banget 1-10 : 1
Masih Ke Fix Mas Bro :grin:address yg work buat line yg mana?
translate aja, terus oprek satu-satu.Hello guys...
Before this release i tried to create a code to use Cheat Engine but is not working.
So, i'll keep trying to find a way.
If you don't want to wait, here a good and fast tutorial to get your long line back.
1- Install Firefox (Tested and work)
2- Download some WebServer (Ex.:
3- Download Charles Proxy (
4- Install Charles Proxy
5- Open Charles Proxy and go to "Proxy / Proxy settings / SSL"
6- Go to "Locations" and add "*.*"
7- Now, open Firefox and go to the "Tools menu / Charles submenu" and choose the "Install Charles CA SSL Certificate" option.
8- Open "Miniclip Website / 8 Ball Pool" with Charles Proxy running
9- After "8 Ball Pool" loaded, search on Charles Proxy Logs something like this "game_v2.7.3Kf92fc.swf"
10- Copy the URL "http://...miniclip......7.3Kf92fc.swf"
11- Create some folder like this "c:\WWW"
12- Copy the modified "game_v2.7.3Kf92fc.swf" to "c:\WWW"
13- Using moongose
13.1- Copy your "moongose.exe" to "c:\WWW"
13.2- Start "moongose.exe" (default port 8080)
13.3- Open your Firefox and go to "" and check if the modified "game_v2.7.3Kf92fc.swf" will be listed
14- Go to Charles Proxy "Tools / Rewrite..."
15- Enable Rewrite and click "Add"
16- Locations insert "*" in all options
17- Add new "Rule / URL"
18- On "Match" insert copied URL "http://...miniclip......7.3Kf92fc.swf"
19- On "Replace" insert ""
20- Click apply on Charles Proxy
21- Clear your firefox cache, close all Firefox windows and start Firefox again
22- Open "Miniclip Website / 8 Ball Pool" and you will see on Charles Proxy logs ""
sekarang udah gak bisa pake ce gan. satu2nya cara make yg diatas long line hack nya, malah autowin juga bisa. tapi ada yg bisa bikin tutorialnya gak? soalnya ane make ssh dan ini cheat make charles proxy -_- jadi ane bingung gimanna makenya,tengkyu
yo, fokuskan ujian dulu karena itu yg penting biar dapat nilai yg memuaskan, but klo udh kelar jgn lupa release linenyamaaf yah kalau untuk sementara saya belum bisa update cheat
karna saya besok lagi ada ujian dan saya harus belajar
maaf yah kalau udah nunggu nungup update cheat nya
iya masih ke ke Fix bulan lalu bulan ini sudah ngaakMasih Ke Fix Mas Bro :grin:
untuk bahas yang nih , nih saya kasih tutor video nyaHello guys...
Before this release i tried to create a code to use Cheat Engine but is not working.
So, i'll keep trying to find a way.
If you don't want to wait, here a good and fast tutorial to get your long line back.
1- Install Firefox (Tested and work)
2- Download some WebServer (Ex.:
3- Download Charles Proxy (
4- Install Charles Proxy
5- Open Charles Proxy and go to "Proxy / Proxy settings / SSL"
6- Go to "Locations" and add "*.*"
7- Now, open Firefox and go to the "Tools menu / Charles submenu" and choose the "Install Charles CA SSL Certificate" option.
8- Open "Miniclip Website / 8 Ball Pool" with Charles Proxy running
9- After "8 Ball Pool" loaded, search on Charles Proxy Logs something like this "game_v2.7.3Kf92fc.swf"
10- Copy the URL "
11- Create some folder like this "c:\WWW"
12- Copy the modified "game_v2.7.3Kf92fc.swf" to "c:\WWW"
13- Using moongose
13.1- Copy your "moongose.exe" to "c:\WWW"
13.2- Start "moongose.exe" (default port 8080)
13.3- Open your Firefox and go to "" and check if the modified "game_v2.7.3Kf92fc.swf" will be listed
14- Go to Charles Proxy "Tools / Rewrite..."
15- Enable Rewrite and click "Add"
16- Locations insert "*" in all options
17- Add new "Rule / URL"
18- On "Match" insert copied URL "
19- On "Replace" insert "
20- Click apply on Charles Proxy
21- Clear your firefox cache, close all Firefox windows and start Firefox again
22- Open "Miniclip Website / 8 Ball Pool" and you will see on Charles Proxy logs ""
sekarang udah gak bisa pake ce gan. satu2nya cara make yg diatas long line hack nya, malah autowin juga bisa. tapi ada yg bisa bikin tutorialnya gak? soalnya ane make ssh dan ini cheat make charles proxy -_- jadi ane bingung gimanna makenya,tengkyu
Pertama saya mumet juga cari AOB nya, setelah saya ikuti tutor di atas yg dishare sama bro @pandu123 akhirnya dapat juga linenya.iya masih ke ke Fix bulan lalu bulan ini sudah ngaak
GK pake SSH saya, saya cuma ikuti tutor yg kamu share di atas, nah itu udh dibuat video sama bro @-BudiN3- udh lebih mudah, tinggal ikuti aja sesuai dengan divideo itutengkyu gan @budi tutornya.
gan mast3r make ssh ngga? ane kok gak bisa bisa ya, padahal udah sesuaii petunjuk video
Work lah, klo gk work ngapain dishare, dicoba dulu yg udh dishare diatas, klo kurang lengkap dilihat videonya tuhini trik work
ucapan trima kasih ,cukup klik tombol like this yo! ,tengkyu gan @budi tutornya.
gan mast3r make ssh ngga? ane kok gak bisa bisa ya, padahal udah sesuaii petunjuk video
work gan , coba agan yang sesuai dengan video , kalau masih enggak work , bisa di bahas di sini ,ini trik work