Apakah Cheat 8 Ball Pool , masih ada yang work ? :stop:
Belum ada gan...!!Apakah Cheat 8 Ball Pool , masih ada yang work ? :stop:
ada , tapi line nya kurang panjangApakah Cheat 8 Ball Pool , masih ada yang work ? :stop:
ada gan , tapi cuma line itu via CEBelum ada gan...!!![]()
saya baca baca ada yang enggak bisa pakai ssh yah ,Instructions: 1) Download and install Fiddler (http://www.telerik.com/fiddler). 2) Clear cache of your browser.3) Run Fiddler and go to the AutoResponder tab. Check "Enable automatic responses" and "Unmatched requests passthrough". Now click "Add Rule" and set the value of "If request matches..." to "EXACT:http://static.miniclipcdn.com/games/8-ball-pool-multiplayer/en/game_v2.8.1NMlst1.swf" (without quotes) and the value of "then respond with..." to your downloaded .swf file path on your computer. 4) Click "Save." 5) That's it! Just open your browser and navigate to the game URL, and you should see the hack in action!
- For Chrome, go to Settings and clear browsing data.
- For Firefox, go to Tools -> Options -> Advanced Tab. Click "Clear Now" to clear the cached web content.
Don't forget to close Fiddler once your game has finished loading. Tips to NOT get banned:
NOTE: If you're going to win EVERY single game and win millions, the miniclip team IS going to get mad at you! Enjoy! swf cari Sendiri
- Clear your browser cache (via CCleaner, etc.)
- Close fiddler once the game has loaded completely.
- Once the game has loaded, just play a game as a guest first to make sure everything is working. Later, login to your account.
- Also, use different accounts instead of using your real account everytime!
Resiko tanggung sendiri Thanks
ngg muncul scannya ??? :bingung2: :bingung2:New Guideline
scan array : D7 63 04 5D 8A 5A D1 D2
Change array: D1 63 04 5E 8A 5A D2 D1
credit : mp3xpert
untuk tipe .swf itu tipe flash.untuk cara bikin file .swf itu bagaimana gan, tolong pencerahannya :bow:
untuk via ssh gak bisa ya dimainin game ini
tolong bantu dong................
ini mas pake hidetoolz saya , saya baru download kemarin , cara pakai nya tinggal buka Hidetoolz.exe lalu klik kanan pada aplikasi piliih "hide"gan budi bagi link hidetoolz ny dunk ko ane download di google banyak virus ny y ?? terus error lagi hide toolz gan help gan,,![]()
@wira03ubdate 8bal line 2.14
Ini cara pake nya gimana ya, maaf newbie@wira03
update !!
Version 2.14
Link : http://www.mediafire.com/download/vc6aarsnjm9s23a/[email protected]
http://www.mediafire.com/download/vc6aarsnjm9s23a/[email protected]
virtol : https://www.virustotal.com/id/file/0aeabb441e0a79d01b4cf581f693542c54767171f18edb3c21097b1cf70e7950/analysis/1405119584/
maaf enggak kasih SS , tapi coba ajah kok bro
bagi yang main pakai SSH harap gunakan Hide Toolz , hide Bitvise SSH atau Fiddler nya
No Junk
cukup klik Like doank ajah
Ini cara pake nya gimana ya, maaf newbie![]()