gan ada yang pakek cheat tool gak ? untuk bisa pakek balens yang banyak gan
cheat tool apa? hati2 sm yg ga aman, biasanya keylogger..gan ada yang pakek cheat tool gak ? untuk bisa pakek balens yang banyak gan
Updated :
Join di Map Dungeon Multiplayer
1. Scan level dengan 4byte contoh level 10 :grin:
2. Level up jadi lvl 11, terus next scan.
3. address yg muncul diganti semua value-nya jadi 55
4. sekarang level agan jadi 55 deh, n bisa ikut dungeon lv 55 atau yg lain tuk leveling
* agan semua harus masuk dungeon dengan teman yg dipercaya ya,biar gak di banned ma anggota lain :grin: :grin:
Skill Point Hack
Try with character under level 25 so you can reset skill for free, better with level 24 so you able to level your skill into level 2 or 3 ,
1. scan level your skill, so its now level 1
2. next scan unknown value,
3. scanlevel your skill again, so its now level 2
4. next scan value increasing,
5. reset skill,
6. scan level your skill, level 1
7. next scan value decreasing,
8. scan level your skill, level 2
9. next scan value increasing,
*rinse and repeat until there's a few address left, reset your skill, and one of the adreess you can freeze on the max level of that skill on your level (might be level 2 or 3), after freezing then level the skill, so you can spend 1 point of skill point for max level of skill on your level, it seems work since i count and i have extra skill point
credits : zowryo
Using this hack will cost 875 vouchers per re-skill if you are over 25, which you will be doing at least 1 or 2 times. Due to the high cost of this, I recommended trying this on a level 24- character before trying it on your own character. It is NOT recommended to do this on a low level character then level it (refer to Side Note #3)
This hack is permanent, you will retain the extra skill points even after you log off.
It is recommended to read the side notes ahead of time as re skills are very costly.
↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
Performing the hack:
1 - Find the address of your skill's levels using Cheat Engine, try to find all of them at once if you can. (the value of the address is same as skill level, no encryption of any kind was involved)
2 - Reset your skills if the skills are not level 0.
3 - Set the value to anything that is not 0. (any nonzero value works as you can only get 1 point per skill, refer to side note #3)
4 - Update the skill by adding 1 point, you MUST be able to upgrade the skill to level 2 or else it will NOT work (refer to side note #3 if haven't already)
↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑
Side notes(yes it's complicated, a lot to keep in mind):
1 - It is recommended to find the address for all the skills in one go to refrain from having to re-skill multiple times. Meaning multiple instances of Cheat Engine may have to be used.
Say I have 4 Lightning, 4 Rain of Fire, 3 Restoration, 3 Suntoria on a mage. I would open 2 clients & scan for 4 & 3 as I have a set of skill in level 4 & a set in level 3.
2 - The first 4 to 5 digits & the last digit of the address for every skill is the same
In the previous example, I would only need to secure the address of Lightning & RoF, once I find them, I look for addresses with the same first 4 & last digit in the other instances of Cheat Engine & I try changing the value then looking for any changes to my skills in the game.
Note that this is not always the case, it seems that the skills on the bottom row have some that have completely different first 4 digits.
3 - The hack only allow you to skip level 1 in a skill & go directly to level 2; however, the prereqiusites for the level 2 skill still applies, and not updating the skill to level 2 will result in the glitch NOT work for that skill, so pay attention to the level 2 skill's prerequisites instead of dumping skill points into the skill you want.
Due to this factor, keep in mind that this hack may make you stronger or weaker depending on the number of extra skill points you want & your current level, as wanting more skill points will force you to pour skill points in a skill you may not want. It is recommended to do this hack before 24 or after 46 to prevent having to use more vouchers
4 - Check the prerequisites for level 2 in every skill & make sure you have the prerequisites, use the provided calculator & plan it out first,remember to make your level up to 30 higher due to the extra skill points you have and remember that each skill that you plan to benefit from must be at least level 2.
Credits : haxjester
yg ini kira2 klo buat multi player dungeon / plunder / bounty Quest bisa gak ya gan ?? :biggrin:Bug di Party Arena
1.Scan value " attemps " dengan 4byte
2.Klik Fight
3.Scan value " attemps" yang baru
4.Ganti 4byte ke text
5.Ketik Nama Char kamu dan ntar muncul nilai 123812738 (angka acak) yg adalah jumlah battle/attemps kamu yg tersisa
permisi omUpdated Life Hacks
1. scan money /gold dengan value type 4byte
2. increase money/gold agan,terus next scan sampai dapat 1 address
3. ganti valuenya dengan 999999
4. beli potion tuk nambah HP yg pake gold
5. setelah HP max, refresh dah.
*biasanya dipake klo money/gold lg limit :ngacir:
setau saya potion untuk nambah HP belinya di guild shop pake kontibusi,, apa maksud nya yg d scan kontribusi nya boss?? :smile:Updated Life Hacks
1. scan money /gold dengan value type 4byte
2. increase money/gold agan,terus next scan sampai dapat 1 address
3. ganti valuenya dengan 999999
4. beli potion tuk nambah HP yg pake gold
5. setelah HP max, refresh dah.
*biasanya dipake klo money/gold lg limit :ngacir:
nah itu cara cheat nya gimana gan , masih gak ngrti nih , minta tutor nya dongada gan potion beli pake gold, cuma itu perintah dari server ketika potion hp yang lu gunakan udah habis, nah keluar sendiri deh tuh shopnya d suruh beli potion. jadi harus habis potion lu itu. btw yang cheat skill itu masih bingung guw, ada yang bisa kasih tutornya lebih rinci gan?
1. ternyata bener HP harus habis dulu baru nongol,, :grin:1. potion bisa dibeli klo HP agan udah limit seperti yg dimaksud @tempest, ntar muncul sendiri dr sistem.
2. cheat skill itu dah rinci bgt gan, cm emng pake bhs inggris klo diterjemahin emng pnjg bgt, mending coba dibawa ke google translate aja.
3. balens ada yg bisa tembus gan
*siap2 patch lg nih,,bentar lg maintenis :ngacir: [Coming Soon] Wartune 1.45 Patch Update--The New REVOLUTION
gan kalo ada cheat , tolong di jelasin nya lebih terperinci 1 per 1 jelasin nya dong gan.1. potion bisa dibeli klo HP agan udah limit seperti yg dimaksud @tempest, ntar muncul sendiri dr sistem.
2. cheat skill itu dah rinci bgt gan, cm emng pake bhs inggris klo diterjemahin emng pnjg bgt, mending coba dibawa ke google translate aja.
3. balens ada yg bisa tembus gan
*siap2 patch lg nih,,bentar lg maintenis :ngacir: [Coming Soon] Wartune 1.45 Patch Update--The New REVOLUTION
sama gan..1. ternyata bener HP harus habis dulu baru nongol,, :grin:
2. moga2 skill nya gak k reset,, udah manteb soalnya,, :mantap:
3. yg tembus boleh di gelar gan,, :ngacir:
sebenere ane cuma pengen cheat guild blessing biar bisa sering dapet socketing rod,, tp klo ada cheat balens ya apa boleh buat ane trima gan,, :ngacir: :grin:
sama gan..1. ternyata bener HP harus habis dulu baru nongol,, :grin:
2. moga2 skill nya gak k reset,, udah manteb soalnya,, :mantap:
3. yg tembus boleh di gelar gan,, :ngacir:
sebenere ane cuma pengen cheat guild blessing biar bisa sering dapet socketing rod,, tp klo ada cheat balens ya apa boleh buat ane trima gan,, :ngacir: :grin:
keknya cheat gold yang 9999 tu dah ga bisa ya?1. ternyata bener HP harus habis dulu baru nongol,, :grin:
2. moga2 skill nya gak k reset,, udah manteb soalnya,, :mantap:
3. yg tembus boleh di gelar gan,, :ngacir:
sebenere ane cuma pengen cheat guild blessing biar bisa sering dapet socketing rod,, tp klo ada cheat balens ya apa boleh buat ane trima gan,, :ngacir: :grin:
ijin testing,, trus efeknya apa gan? :mantap:Updated Forgoten Catacombs *sebelum patch tahun baru muncul
tools pake C.E 6.2
1. scan dengan value 4byte
2. 230101 change to 208008 misal 230101 gak muncul lgsg scan aja 208008
3. address yg muncul di freeze
4. masuk ke catacombs, trus klik Blitz
5. selanjutnya silahkan agan aja... :grin:
*klo mau dapet balens gratis biasanya ane nonton iklan video aja gan pake VPN, atau Ip usa..lumayan sehari bisa 120balensk: