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Level 0

= Rate =
-Max Lv 65
-Exp = 6.500
-Animus Exp = 70.000
-Drop = 20x
-Disable Quest 50 And 56 ( Reward Quest On )
-Buff Skill & Job 3000 Second
-PT Skill/Force GM
-Fix Damage Siege, Isis & Armor Rider
-Lvl 1 Reward = CPT 150.000, CN 1 Slot
-High Rate Tempa

= Drop =

- HQ -
-Young Flym = Calliana Necklace ( 49.500.000 / slot )
-Wing = Elemental Normal 25.25 / 25.20
-Flym = Isis ( For Cora ), Amunisi Spec 5K ( For ACC ), Legacy Blade Lv1 ( PT Skill Close Range 1 ) & Pill Recovery 100%
-ABA = Blue Print Leon

- Elan -
-Draco Hatcing = Excersiar A/B/C Yellow-Black-White
-Draco = Booster 40
-Scud lava = T5
-Devastator = T6
-ABX = Stable 5-6

- OC -
-Red Haired Splinter = Excersiar A/B/C Yellow-Black-White
-Naroom Captain = Gold point +20 +25
-Kukra Captain = Capsule GP 1.000
-Kukra Patrol = Mau Blessing

- Ether -
-Calliana Artock, Crew & Archer = Detergent Surf ( 99.000.000 / Slot )
-ABB = Leon Box

- CM -
-Chip = Dual OD
-HSK = Capsule GP 30.000

- Elf Land -
-Dark Elf Berserker = Gold Bar / Emas 25 Karat ( 297.000.000 / slot )

- Pit Boss -
-PB 3D = elemental 3D
-PB Gold Pig = Capsule GP 15.000
-PB Elf = Aiming & Blood Booster Grade 99
-PB Elan = Stable 6~7 Igno, Favor, Mercy, Grace, Darkness & Favor Shield
-PB Stayer = Elemental HDH High
-PB Belphe = Booster 25.25 Attack Deff, 25.20 Attack Avoid, 25.20 Attack Acuracy
-PB Santa Chooty = Dual OD, Revival, Call & TP ( Event Only )
-PB Sealed Teledun = Weapon Donasi Slot 1~6 ( Event Only )
-PB Sealed Belphegore = Armor Donasi Slot 1~6 ( Event Only )

= NPC =
All Armor & Weapon Slot 7
Armor Dan Weapon di buat lvl 90, lvl 65 baru bisa memakai nya

-Cashshop at Center Of Sette = OD Attack, OD Deff, OD Stealth, OD Avoid, OD Acuracy, OD Build-up, OD Crictical, OD Quick Skill & Jade Lvl ( 1 jade 5 lvl ) :mantap:
-NPC T4 & Talic
-NPC Pot HP 5K, FP 2500, SP 800
-NPC Shield Rare B 35~65 +6
-NPC Weapon Rare B 35~65 +6
-NPC Hero = Armor Concil Lv90 +5
-NPC Weapon Golden Lvl 90 +6 ( GP = 330.000 )
-NPC Shield And Armor Lvl90 +6 ( GP = 200.000 ) ( Favor, Mercy, Grace, Darkness )
-NPC Weapon Golden Wind ( GP = 100.000 )
-NPC @ Elan Weapon PvP Lvl 90 +7 ( PvP = 84.000 )
-NPC @ Ether Elemental Lvl 90 ( PvP = 12.000 ) = 35.30 Attack Acuracy, 35.30 Attack Avoid, 35.35 Attack Deffence
-NPC Armor Donation Lv 90 ( PvP = ? ) :jempol:
-NPC Weapon Donation Lv 90 ( PvP = ? )

Group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/RF.Entrance.PvP/


3 SD
Level 2
Morning player's . .

Berikut adalah tutorial cara meninstal patch RF Entrance :

1. pastikan kamu mempunyai Client RF Indo Versi 2232 Golden Mistery yang Pure.

2. Download Full patch RF - Entrance Di website bagian download : --->>http://rf-entrance.com/download.php <<---

3. Extrack Full patch RF Entrance ke Client RF Indo Golden Mistery Anda.

4. Selamat Bermain. ^_^

Catatan: Jika sewaktu anda Login ada keluar Notice di Loading Fireguard seperti ini : " Your Client is not lasted version "

Tidak perlu khawatir. .

Anda cukup Download Manual Update GameGuard di sini :
-->> http://rf-entrance.com/ <<---

dan Jangan lupa Klick Logo Gameguardnya Agar anda dapat Login Ke Game ^_^.

buat anda yg DDNM Animus Silahkan Download ini, buat yg ga DDNM ga usah :p

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