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2 SD
Level 2
ada rf mau Up nih gan.. masi anget... beberapa hari lagi up..

RF RPJC 2232 FULL PVP Server
-----===SERVER INFO===-----
•Level Max 66

•RATE EXP 3.000x

•Drop 50x

•Animus Rate 999999x

•All Pt/Force/Skill GM

•All Reward Quest On

•Quest 50-56 OFF

•Player Free +7

•Full Custom

•Skill Bash Active

•Buff Duration 2k


Friendly GM's

No Corruption's

No Illegal Item's

Aktive PB MIngguan

Free Caliana Neackle 5 piece
•CashShop (call, pot lari, jade rental,ETC)

•All Talic

•T5 bkn LGS

•Shield 65 Slot 7 (+6)

•Armor Rare B 35-65 (+6)All slot 7 (+6)

•Armor Consul 70 (Slot 7) (+5)

•Weapon Rare B 35-65 (+7) Ignorance

•Relic 65 (+6)

•Ammo Spec 5k

•All PB Port

•Boster 50 (Slot 7)

-----====Drop List====-----
•Young Flym = Kalung Caliana ( 1 slot 300 jt )

•Flym = Elemental Perfect

•Wing = Legacy Blade 45

•Draco Elan = All Rune

•Draco VC = Leon 40-55

•Infernal Draco = MAU Blessing

•Kur = Batu C tower

•Great Kur = stable 6-7 ( Dropnya bikin 90 % )

•High Elf Archer = Boster Aiming Grade 99 + Boster Blood Grade 99

•Metal Elf Archer = Weapon PVP RPJC level 65 slot random

•Chip War = Dragon Armor Slot Random + Revival + Pil GP 4k

•Naroom Captain : Aiming Boster 50 Grade , Blood Boster 50 Grade

•Kukra Captain : Gold Point 1k-2k, Infinity 70 Slot Random

====Drop PB====
- PB 3D = Relic 70 (slot random) + boster 65 normal+ Ele 3D Normal aja
- PB Izen = boster 65 normal , shield 70 rare B, Pil+ Infinity 70 SLot random
- PB Thor = pvp 70 (slot random) & boster 65 normal, Ele XMAST ( 35,25 ) ATK/Avo = atk/def
- PB Elan = Snow Spray + ELemental HDH
- PB John = GP 10k , pot tele , revival

•Weapon Infinity 70 +5 [Slot 7] (200.000 )
•Boster Aiming & blood +5 Chaos [Slot 7] [99 Grade] @(100.000)
•Boster 65 4 effect +5 Chaos [Slt 7] @(120.000)
•Palmas Armor Favor +6 [Slot 7] @(70.000)
•Palmas Armor Gloves Grace +6 [Slot 7] (70.000)
•Palmas Armor Gloves Darkness +6 [Slot 7] (70.000)
•Palmas Armor Shoes Mercy +6 [Slot 7] (70.000)
•RPJC Leon 70 +7 Igno (150.000)
•Granade Launcher Special +7 (150.000)

•Metal Elven Shield 70+6 (10.000)
•Weapon Infinity 70 +6 [Slot 7] (70.000 )
•Jubah Ilang (5.000)
•Special RPJC Boster +6(10.000)
•RPJC Elemental @(10.000)
•Special RPJC Weapon +6 (40.000)
•Special RPJC Granade Launcher +6 (40.000)
•RPJC Palmas Armor Favor +6 [Slot 7] (30.000)
•RPJC Palmas Armor Gloves Grace +6 [Slot 7] @(30.000)
•RPJC Palmas Armor Gloves Darkness +6 [Slot 7] (30.000)
•RPJC Palmas Armor Shoes Mercy +6 [Slot 7] (30.000)
•Weapon RPJC Infinity 70 +6 [Slot 7] (50.000)

~> Official Links <~
Website : Comming Soon !
Register :
Download : Comming Soon !
Grup FB : http://www.facebook.com/groups/448112398613668/

ayo cek perkembangan nya gan.. bantu rame in gan... :) no repost ya gan..


1 SD
Level 2
•Weapon Infinity 70 +5 [Slot 7] (200.000 )
•Boster Aiming & blood +5 Chaos [Slot 7] [99 Grade] @(100.000)
•Boster 65 4 effect +5 Chaos [Slt 7] @(120.000)
•Palmas Armor Favor +6 [Slot 7] @(70.000)
•Palmas Armor Gloves Grace +6 [Slot 7] (70.000)
•Palmas Armor Gloves Darkness +6 [Slot 7] (70.000)
•Palmas Armor Shoes Mercy +6 [Slot 7] (70.000)
•RPJC Leon 70 +7 Igno (150.000)
•Granade Launcher Special +7 (150.000)

•Metal Elven Shield 70+6 (10.000)
•Weapon Infinity 70 +6 [Slot 7] (70.000 )
•Jubah Ilang (5.000)
•Special RPJC Boster +6(10.000)
•RPJC Elemental @(10.000)
•Special RPJC Weapon +6 (40.000)
•Special RPJC Granade Launcher +6 (40.000)
•RPJC Palmas Armor Favor +6 [Slot 7] (30.000)
•RPJC Palmas Armor Gloves Grace +6 [Slot 7] @(30.000)
•RPJC Palmas Armor Gloves Darkness +6 [Slot 7] (30.000)
•RPJC Palmas Armor Shoes Mercy +6 [Slot 7] (30.000)

•Weapon RPJC Infinity 70 +6 [Slot 7] (50.000)
diliat dari harga pointnya,, ni RF sistem Gold Pointnya di aktifin ya..?
trus cara dapetin Gold Point nya dapet dari kapsul atau gimana..?
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