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Rf-X ( 2.1.6 )

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6 SD
Level 2
RF-X 2.1.6
Full version English

Server Informasi:
- 30x XP (Limit Breaker quest removed)
- GM PTs and Skills
- 50x Animus *currently not as it should be; working on it*
- 40mil per stack of Gli
- Custom Drops on a mob to mob basis
Drop List:

Elan Draco - 50 Palmas/Didalos/Knightwalker Armor
Ace Brutal - 43 Strong Int Armor
ABA - 50 Jetpacks
ABB - 50 Leon Weps
Little Lazhuwardian - Class Redefine Pills
Flems - HP Elementals, Detect Headsets (Acc), Isis (Cora)
Wings - Terra Ammo
Sette Turncoats - Cash Shop Potions (Acc drops Bell, Cora drops Acc, Bell drops Cora)
Sette Ace Bulky Lunkers - UMT, UMT Batteries, PB Scrolls
Calliana Archers - Perfect Elementals
Frost Claw Lunker - 55 Strength Int Superior Armor
Clawed Draco - 55 Strong Int Superior Armor (Acc)
Hook Brutal - 55 Strong Int Superior Armor (Bell)
Red Fang Lunker - 55 Strong Int Superior Armor (Cora)
Red Haired Splinter - 55 Int Weps
Host Mahr and Great Kur - 2.5s CC
Naroom Crawler Scout - Type C 55 Bows and Guns
Naroom Crawler Captain - Type C 55 Staves and Launchers
Naroom Crawler Lieutenant - Type C 55 Knives, Lances, Swords, Axes and Maces
Lazhuwardian Warrior - T3 Gems
Junior Reaper - T4 Gems
Reaper - T5 Gems
Spell Lazhuwardian - Keen, Favor, Mercy, Grace and Darkness Talics

Patch Download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YW3R9F04
Forum: http://rf-x.com/forum/index.php
Login ke forum dlu baru PM Admin Cy

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Untuk mendapatkan account Anda, Anda harus PM "Admin Cy" dengan berikut:


Ini hanya sementara sampai kita memperoleh cp permainan dalam beberapa pekan mendatang


jgn lupa ijo2 nya gan...
dan inget Timpa di Client RF yg 2.1.6


1 SD
Level 2
itu biasanya pembuatan acont brapa lama gan??

neh dah lama PM admin nya tapi ttp blom da accont wa


1 SD
Level 2
ya id dah bisa tadi dah dibales ma admin

ini rf bisa di nimpah just rf gx?

trus bangsa yg jaya bangsa apa gan?


Level 1
sempet jadi GM disini, hahahaha ga bisa ban org. males ah... lom punya RFCP nya.. cuman adminnya aktif ama bersahabat sih :D jadi y hati2 aja :D
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