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Seal Blade of Destiny


Level 1
Genre : anime MMORPG
Publisher : Playrohan
Web : http://sealonline.playrohan.com/main.htm

Welcome, I am Joan Ahasnyut, the Royal Advisor of Shiltz.
I will assume that those of you who are reading this text are those who know how to enjoy adventures and travels. If you are awaiting on a new departure, or can't decide which path to take, let me make a suggestion as the Royal Advisor of Shiltz.
The land you are about to uncover!
Shiltz is a land under constant turmoil brought on by the battle between the humans and Bales protected by their two gods Elim and Balie. This war has started during the mythical era, and still continues today.
But today, there isn't a single Bale living in Shiltz.
We cannot even imagine where the Bales have disappeared to, and what caused their disappearance, whether it was a certain event that effected the Bales...
My suggestion to you is to get to the root of this mystery by traveling to the past of Shiltz.
And watch our history unfold. Uncover the lost history, the heroes, and the truth that's been veiled by distorted historical accounts.
- Shiltz's Royal Advisor Joan Ahasnaut, Year 330


Level 1
ada yg bisa ajarin cara buat file dll untuk diinject ke seal bod nya gak?? gw udh coba pake tutor buat dll inject dr subforum sealindo tp address nya ga brubah malah kluar error so3d...


Belum Sekolah
Level 1
kayanya tinggal bypass nya aja yg blm bisa, ane dpt bocoran pake pc hunter sama unhooker, udah ane coba kutak-katik msh ga tembus jg.
klo agan" ada yg sukses tembus bypass mohon infonya ya...! Tq :grin:


Level 1
kayanya tinggal bypass nya aja yg blm bisa, ane dpt bocoran pake pc hunter sama unhooker, udah ane coba kutak-katik msh ga tembus jg.
klo agan" ada yg sukses tembus bypass mohon infonya ya...! Tq :grin:
pc hunternya dan unhooker bukannya buat di indo ya??

ini kayaknya beda deh tembusin nya...


Belum Sekolah
Level 1
Oh pantes aja, ane smp mual" kotak-katik, mata smp perih, tidur smp ga teratur, muka pucat pasih ngga mandi", ngga tembus" huehehehe :grin:
ya udah deh, ane tunggu tread dari agan" yg brhasil nembusin bypass seal BOD biar CE ane bisa jalan lg. :eek:k:
tq tuk agan" semua yg berpartisipasi. :rock:


Belum Sekolah
Level 0
udah ada yang bisa bypass?

ane sih udh jrang main, tpi klo scan pointer/bkin dll masih bisa.

Klo ad yg mau cara bikin .dll pm ane.


Belum Sekolah
Level 0


Belum Sekolah
Level 0
weee ane pke ME bsa seh tembus cma setting nya beda trus udah gtu ga tahan lama paling banter 1 jam mental sendiri