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Server X-Generation

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Level 1
Come & Join Warcraft III (DOTA) New Server. X-Generation
(Mumpung Masih GRATIS)
And Be The First Master.
Forum : http://forum.x-generation.us/
Hosting Uploader Sendiri : http://upload.x-generation.us/
Server Name : XGENERATION (GenX)
Time Zone : 7
IP : dota.xgeneration.us
Keunggulan Server X-Generation :
1. Badwitch server 20 MB untuk Downloud dan Upploud.
2. Jaringan FO ( FIBER OPTIC = server di tempatkan di gedung CYBER).
3. Antara Server PvPgn dan server BOt Terpisah
* Server Spesifikasi :
- Dell T100
- prosesornya xeon
- Memory 8b
- 8GB
- Processor
- Intel Processor Options
- Quad-Core and Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® Processors 3000 sequence

Keunggulan Forum X-Generation :
1. Hosting Forum All Unlimited http://s18.postimg.org/n8fvvg3qh/Hosting.png
2. Menggunakan V.Bulletin.
3. All Registered User, Own Setting.
4. Update Fitur" menarik secara rutin & berkala.

Keunggulan Uploader X-Generation :
1. Hosting Upload All Unlimited http://s18.postimg.org/n8fvvg3qh/Hosting.png
2. Dapat Mengupload 8 File Sekaligus.
3. Bila Mengupload File MP3 , Dapat langsung di Putar.
4. Bila Mengupload File Video , Dapat langsung di Tonton.

Free Create ID Battle Net & Forum.
Have Fun & Good Luck.
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