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[Share] Tipe-tipe Ban Pokemon Go..


Belum Sekolah
Level 0
Buat agan2 yg masing bingung kena "Banned" tipe apa...

Well If i where you would stop using bots

PSA: Perma-bans have arrived. Stop all use of 3rd party APIs ASAP. self.pokemongodev


hace 7 horas *

por Frosty_Toast_Man

You might get this from Niantic https://support.poke...icles/225146308

And you might see one of these screens View: http://imgur.com/a/hvNvT

There are a large number of bans of this type occurring, which have been reported in some of the bot slack channels. While we're not 100% sure they're permanent yet, better safe than sorry.

To clear up confusion there are several types of bans:

Soft IP ban Ban the IP but not the account (not permanent). All accounts on the ip will be unable to see pokestops and pokemon. Usually goes away after 20 mins of not accessing the pogo api from that IP.

Hard IP ban Ban the IP perm. This happened to cloud providers like AWS. You can't log in or access pogo at all from one of these IPs. Never goes away.

Soft ban Account specific - there are now multiple types of softbans: (time to go away varies)

  1. Spinning pokestops gives nothing, and pokemon always run on the first ball. (this was the original softban)
  2. Spinning pokestops is fine, but pokemon always run. (added today)
  3. All pokestops say out of range, and no pokemon ever spawn (added recently) ... there may be more
Hard ban Perma ban (Read data error on phone). This is the new ban that botters have been getting. If you get a login error, it does not mean you are banned for sure, but if you were botting or teleporting and you can't log in on that account from any IP, and you can use other accounts - good chance thats a hardban.

EDIT: People wondering what actions cause the ban. It is still unknown, but it seems related to highly frequent requests involving teleporting. However, any third party api usage or GPS spoofing voilates their TOS and it is possible you can receive a ban. I recommend not using any 3rd party service or spoofing for at least 24 hours. IMO, If you have never botted or spoofed/sniped, it is unlikely you will get banned. But I would avoid using any services that require your login until this is sorted out.


credits to Frosty_Toast_Man

pd server can be down but just in case i will stop botting

silakan check ke TKP : https://www.nulled.to/topic/177838-pokemon-go-banhamer


Level 1
gw sih yg masih bingung durasi yg softban gak bisa nangkep pokemon tapi bisa muter pokestop.. ada yg bilang nyampe 24 jam... kalo yang lain sih ganti ip juga bener.


Level 0
gw sih yg masih bingung durasi yg softban gak bisa nangkep pokemon tapi bisa muter pokestop.. ada yg bilang nyampe 24 jam... kalo yang lain sih ganti ip juga bener.
pokestopnya diputer 50x,buka pokestop - putar - tutup, ulangi sampe 50x


Level 1
pokestopnya diputer 50x,buka pokestop - putar - tutup, ulangi sampe 50x
ga ngaruh bos, itu softban mode baru, bisa loot item pokestop (dapet pokeball &exp) tp g bisa nangkep pokemon, ganti ip juga gak ngaruh, pokemonya tetep pada kabur. kalo yg softban ga bisa dapet item dari pokestop dan ga bisa nangkep pokemon pake cara itu bisa


Tukang Sapu
banned ip ? kqkqkqkq solusi terbaik untuk linux ?
torify ./run.sh configs/dono.ganteng

apa itu torify ? JFGI!

kqkqkqkq... enjoy!
Last edited:


VIP Kehormatan
sementara hasil riset rame2 di luar sana
nangkep pokemon lebih dari 1000 ekor perhari << catchflee banned (bisa spin pokestop tapi gak bisa nangkep alias kabur terus) durasi bervariasi kalo gw kena 24jam tapi udah pasti kena flag alias ada record cheatter di masa mendatang siap2 di hakimi lagi.
spin pokestop lebih dari 1500 pokestop << kena banned gak bisa ambil item dari pokestop lagi <<< durasi mungkin gak ada obat biasanya setelah 24jam jd hard banned cant get data from server.

jadi resume sementara
999 pokemon x 100 exp = 99.900 exp dengan asumsi semua normal hit atau 209.790exp (excelent hit + curve ball) gak masuk akal untuk di lakukan player normal
1499 pokestop x 50 exp = 74.590 exp dengan asumsi semua 50exp per pokestop. gak masuk akal juga di lakukan player normal

1. jadi buat aman nya setting delay lumayan besar catch antar pokemon nya kira2 5 detik dan hanya aktifkan fitur sniffing ( hanya 1 channel saja, jangan pogofeeder karena itu gabungan dari banyak channel)

2. delay action set 5 detik juga agar tidak terlalu cepat

3. walk kmh di set max 15 (untuk ukuran naek sepeda) kalo yang ngeset 300kmh alias superman nangkep pokemon udah jelas bakalan kena banned karena perhari nya bakalan lebih dari 1500 pokestop.

untuk detail nya silahkan kira2 atau kalkulasikan sendiri pakai excel delay catch per pokemon per jam nya berapa di kali 24jam

note : ini gw nyalain 24 jam dengan config yg di share bener2 low exp ama jalan kek keong aman udah 24jam setelah tumbalin 10 id buat research, tapi gak tau masih bisa kena gak kedepan nya.


Belum Sekolah
Level 0
kl udah kena hard banned cant get data from server. apa masih bisa balik lagi?

apa udah ban permanen?


VIP Kehormatan
haha itu udah "Failed get data from server" btw akun yg lain yg udah lama g dimainin jg sama2 failed..

btw kalo gak bisa login reques tiket aja
seperti nya ini masalah error diserver tp siapa yang tau sebenernya ada apa. karena logika nya banyak player murni juga terkena kasus seperti ini bahkan di luar sana banyak yg sudah mengajukan refund


Level 1
mungkin servernya kena hack kali ya.. coz pernah baca hacker2 penggemar game pc pgin ngejatuhin server2 game mobile