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[Study]Ninja Saga [Facebook Game] Post Ga Berguna = Hapus

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Level 1
data swf library masi bs ga kk, coba2 kmrn masi bs, tp kok kadang2 bs kadang2 ga bs, pke mozilla 3.6.3, mozilla 3.6.0, mozilla 3.6.6 ga bs, klo pke adobe flash yg baru clue NS not found, ada rekomendasi versi mozilla agar datalibrary.swf sukses. pke 3.6.3 kadang2 bs kadang ga bs, kok aneh


Level 1
gimana all.. ada yg udah dapet gak.. untuk edit swf nya...

coba pake "Sothink SWF Decompiler"..
bisa kok pake itu...
saya lagi ulik2 juga...

ayo sama2 pelajari...

NB: ni forum fungsinya apa ya??
PM aja ampe gak dibales.... :content:

kalo bisa di share ya gan..
saya lagi tes cara yg di kasih teman nih..
katanya bisa hack dari free user ke emblem user..
masih tak coba..
kalo berhasil pasti ku share nantinya...


3 SD
Level 2
gimana all.. ada yg udah dapet gak.. untuk edit swf nya...

coba pake "Sothink SWF Decompiler"..
saya keliling2 katanya bisa pake itu...

ayo sama2 pelajari...

NB: ni forum fungsinya apa ya??
PM aja ampe gak dibales.... :content:

kalo bisa di share ya gan..
saya lagi tes cara yg di kasih teman nih..
katanya bisa hack dari free user ke emblem user..
masih tak coba..
kalo berhasil pasti ku share nantinya...
yup yup emang bisa gan pake Sothink swf decompiler, tapi tuh tools fungsinya cuman buat convert file swf ke file .fla + .as
nah pas dah di edit di .fla + .as mw dibalikinnya ke .swf g bisa pake tools itu gan, itu convert .exe ke .swf baru bisa gan...


3 SD
Level 2
oh jadi klo mo edit swf itu harus gini ya?

swf~>fla~>swf ?
iya gan musti kaya gitu, kita bisa ngedit file swf kan diubah dulu ke .fla
tapi kalo agan nemuin tools buat edit langsung file .swf sih mending langsung edit ajah... hmm ane sih nemu tools yang buat edit langsung, tapi pas ane mw ngedit atu file .swf layar cmn ada blank doank, padahal dah ane klick edit swf :wacko:


2 SD
Level 2
sepertinya udah pada banyak yg ngerti cara biar file swf bisa d edit..

ya benar ... tools nya salah satu nya "Sothink SWF Decompiler"

bagi yg gag taw apa bedanya SWF dan FLA/FLP

pasti ampe tua bakal nyari "FLA/FLP Decompiler" biar bisa d jadiin k swf lagi..

ok gwa kasih taw perbedaannya...

SWF adalah File "JADI" nya FLP/FLA....

so SWF adalah GAME nya..FLP/FLA adalah SCRIPT/SUSUSAN nya...

trs gmn cara jadiin SWF nya??

skrg pikir lagi...gimana /pake apa kita bikin file FLP/FLA????

nah dgn tools itu juga kita ubahnya/membentuk script2 itu jadi SWF. :wink:
tadi gwa nyolong swf swf asli nya NS (kek hunting house...academy...data library dkk)

gwa coba ubah bagian2 yg fatal..alhasil NIHIL..

cuz bagian2 fatal yg gwa tes...itu mengecek k database servernya...

beda kek dmg kunai...ubah lvl misi..dll...

bagian fatal yg gwa tes:ubah harga barang2 token...

yg berhasil gwa ubah cmn "SYARAT LV" item/skill/misi <semua gwa ubah jadi LV1 dan work>, "Damage" item/skill <semua gwa ubah jadi 99999 dan work>.
sebenernya banyak yg bs d explore...

seperti jumlah heal dr scrol/skill heal ... bisa kita manipulasi sesuaknya juga..berlaku juga buat cakra scrol..

bahkan bikin/ubah misi yg jalan2....menjadi misi yg bisa di skip pun bisa.. :hilarious:
tapi setelah mengetahui semua itu...jadi bosen sendiri liad/mo mainin ns :err: :err:


Level 1
@^ gan kalo yg diubah exp dan gold dari misi.. bahaya gak?
udah pernah coba blom?
dan itu apa bisa convert lagi ke SWF data hasil decompilernya...
kan ada banyk tuh.. fla + folder yang isinya .as.???


2 SD
Level 2

coba aja ndiri dan rasakan ....nya :hilarious: :hilarious:

berani berbuat berani bertanggung jawab... :hilarious:

belum tentu buruk dan belum tentu baik loch~~~


gwa aja nyobain semuanya kok...pake char lepel 1 nyobanya...

tapi tadi 30 mnit lgsg 20 :hilarious:


dari cara nanyanya lom nyoba bikin swf nya nih~~~

coba dl gan...baru ntar "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOhhHHhhh....~~~~~~~~" :hilarious:


Level 1
mo tanya kk.... itu lo d rubah jd fla kan?? trus compile ke swf nya harus pake flash CS4 apa gimana soal nya saya masih pake yg CS3....


2 SD
Level 2

saya pake cs3 juga kok..

yg portable malah~~ :hilarious:

cs4 dan cs3 ...cmn sedikit berbeda di action scriptnya....


karena kita bukan edit2 scriptnya...tapi edit value2 nya doank...

so kita gag main script..

cmn main value


1 SD
Level 2
gan, gw udh download sothink SWF decompiler, tapi yg trial.eheheh... :hilarious: tapi versi terbaru ^^. :rolleyes:

nah gw udh coba buka swf pake tool itu, nah pas di mission, kok g bisa gw edit ya gan?harus di export dulu?
nah gw coba..

nah trus kluar .as

itu gmn editnya gan?
mo coba nih^^

oh ya, trus apa hubungannya sama flash player?
ada perintah yg buka flash player ntu.

help y gan??


Level 1
bang, gw dah konvert swf trus edit misi lv 1 smua n balikin lg ke swf then masukin ke FWDB tapi tetep gk ngefek, bisa sdkt pencerahan nya? thx b4


Level 1
Temen yang ada disini beberapa mungkin sudah familiar dengan yang namanya file flash dengan extensi file SWF(lebih jelasnya googling aja).
Mungkin beberapa teman ada yang bertanya : Eh, gmn sih buat nge-hack saga?? Dapet darimana File2nya?? tau dari mana??

sebenarnya game ninja saga itu merupakan sebuah game biasa. masih punya banyak kelemahan apalagi hanya berplatform flash content.
disini gw cuma mau ngasih liat isi file dari SWF file ninja saga yang dah gw bedah, ini cuma potongan scriptnya,,

yang pertama gw upload adalah script mision level. Dimana disini user dibedakan atas premium dan free user. akan tetapi dengan sedikit merubah isi dari script ini, mau free, emblem kek, memble,, hehehe bisa mainin semuanya dan sepuasnya. slain itu XP yang kita dapat juga bisa kita edit sesuka hati(suka2,,^^)
berikut scrptnya:
package ninjasaga.data

final public class MissionDetail extends Object
private static var MISSION_DATA:Object;

public function MissionDetail()
}// end function

public static function getData() : Object
if (MISSION_DATA != null)
MISSION_DATA["msn0"] = {dbid:0, id:"msn0", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_01", level:1, xp:130, gold:250, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:false, special:false, name:"Tutorial", description:"Starter Tutorial.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn2"] = {dbid:2, id:"msn2", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_2", level:1, xp:20, gold:15, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Hardworking Student", description:"Ryu, Master of Taijutsu, is looking for some hardworking students and teach them Taijutsu skills. If you can show him some effort, he will probably teach your something useful!", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn3"] = {dbid:3, id:"msn3", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_3", level:2, xp:40, gold:30, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Blacksmith\'s Request", description:"Retrieve Kenta\'s precious weapon that was stolen by Ninja Bandits.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn4"] = {dbid:4, id:"msn4", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_4", level:3, xp:60, gold:45, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Weaver\'s Request", description:"Retrieve Mai\'s Golden Silk taken by Female Ninja Bandits.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn7"] = {dbid:7, id:"msn7", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_7", level:4, xp:70, gold:60, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Michi\'s Request", description:"Deliver Michi\'s medicines to the neighbouring town.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn8"] = {dbid:8, id:"msn8", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_8", level:5, xp:80, gold:75, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Yuna\'s Request", description:"Deliver the Sweet Dangos.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn9"] = {dbid:9, id:"msn9", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_9", level:6, xp:80, gold:90, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Grandmother\'s Gift", description:"Help Grandmother to purchase a birthday gift for Aiko.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn10"] = {dbid:10, id:"msn10", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_10", level:7, xp:260, gold:105, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Fake Worshippers", description:"Save the White Monk\'s temple from the Wandering Monks.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn12"] = {dbid:12, id:"msn12", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_12", level:8, xp:300, gold:120, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Attack from Ninja Pirates", description:"Protect the Merchant Ships", requirements:{quests:["msn11"]}};
MISSION_DATA["msn13"] = {dbid:13, id:"msn13", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_13", level:3, xp:60, gold:45, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Confidential Document", description:"Deliver the document to the destination. Beware of assassins.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn14"] = {dbid:14, id:"msn14", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_14", level:4, xp:80, gold:60, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Conflicts with the Samurai", description:"Ninja and samurai have been rivals for a long time. Recently, the confrontation has reached its climax!", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn15"] = {dbid:15, id:"msn15", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_15", level:6, xp:80, gold:90, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Find the Antidote", description:"Defeat the enemies and get the antidote from them.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn16"] = {dbid:16, id:"msn16", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_16", level:7, xp:90, gold:105, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Enemies for Interrogation", description:"Bring the enemies back for interrogation.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn17"] = {dbid:17, id:"msn17", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_17", level:8, xp:100, gold:120, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"The Mysterious Light", description:"Investigate the mysterious light appear at the back of the hill.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn18"] = {dbid:18, id:"msn18", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_18", level:9, xp:350, gold:135, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Protect Princess Takara", description:"Protect the Landlord\'s daughter from the Escaped Criminals.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn19"] = {dbid:19, id:"msn19", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_19", level:9, xp:350, gold:135, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"The Desert Bandits", description:"Escort the caravan and protect them from the desert band", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn28"] = {dbid:28, id:"msn28", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_28", level:10, xp:110, gold:150, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Escort the Merchant", description:"Kaiza is the leading merchant in the village. Accompany him in his journey to the Earth Village.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn29"] = {dbid:29, id:"msn29", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_29", level:10, xp:110, gold:150, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Kusuma\'s Request", description:"Kusuma is extorted by hooligans. He wants you to defeat them.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn30"] = {dbid:30, id:"msn30", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_30", level:11, xp:110, gold:165, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Kage\'s Son", description:"Save Norobi from the kidnappers.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn31"] = {dbid:31, id:"msn31", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_31", level:12, xp:120, gold:180, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"It\'s the Samurai Again", description:"Ninja\'s forever rival, the samurais are disturbing our villagers again!", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn32"] = {dbid:32, id:"msn32", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_32", level:12, xp:120, gold:180, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Catch the Insurrectionists", description:"Look out for rebel ninjas and eliminate them.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn33"] = {dbid:33, id:"msn33", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_33", level:13, xp:380, gold:195, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Escaped Criminals", description:"Defeat the escaped criminals.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn34"] = {dbid:34, id:"msn34", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_34", level:13, xp:350, gold:195, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Assassinate the Ninja Spy Leader", description:"Assassinate the Ninja Spy Leader who wants to attack our village", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn39"] = {dbid:39, id:"msn39", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_39", level:11, xp:110, gold:165, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Explosive Mines", description:"Deliver the medicines to the injured Black Ops.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn40"] = {dbid:40, id:"msn40", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_40", level:14, xp:130, gold:210, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Undead Marionette", description:"Three undead Marionette have appeared in the street! Hokage wants you to eliminate them... wait, why the Marionette are there?", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn41"] = {dbid:41, id:"msn41", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_41", level:14, xp:370, gold:210, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Arrest Desert Clawman", description:"Arrest the notorious criminal before the Kaze ninja!", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn42"] = {dbid:42, id:"msn42", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_42", level:15, xp:360, gold:225, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Kenta\'s Favor", description:"Kenta wants you to get him a special white stone. The function of the stone is still a secret.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn43"] = {dbid:43, id:"msn43", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_43", level:15, xp:420, gold:240, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Sea Robbers are Back", description:"The Sea Robbers are back with a new boss.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn44"] = {dbid:44, id:"msn44", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_44", level:16, xp:130, gold:225, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Trouble from Hooligans", description:"Yuna\'s restaurant is disturbed by hooligans. Help her to expel the villains.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn45"] = {dbid:45, id:"msn45", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_45", level:17, xp:420, gold:255, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Rescue Action", description:"Rescue your ninja fellows from the desert bandits.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn47"] = {dbid:47, id:"msn47", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_47", level:17, xp:150, gold:255, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Clear Main Artery", description:"The ninja thieves are blocking the main artery. Cast them away.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn48"] = {dbid:48, id:"msn48", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_48", level:18, xp:150, gold:270, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Troublesome Water Ninja", description:"The young Water Ninja always disturb the ships on the port. Fight against them!", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn49"] = {dbid:49, id:"msn49", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_49", level:19, xp:440, gold:285, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Threatening Soil Village", description:"Soil village is doing something secretly and it has threatened us.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn53"] = {dbid:53, id:"msn53", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_53", level:18, xp:220, gold:270, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Assassination of Shin", description:"Someone is going to assassinate Shin! Protect him!", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn5"] = {dbid:5, id:"msn5", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_5", level:4, xp:450, gold:700, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:true, name:"Fierce Cat", description:"Get rid of the Fierce Cat.", requirements:{quests:["msn4"]}};
MISSION_DATA["msn6"] = {dbid:6, id:"msn6", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_6", level:6, xp:600, gold:400, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:true, name:"Ken\'s Challenge", description:"Defeat Ken\'s Undead Marionette!", requirements:{quests:["msn7"]}};
MISSION_DATA["msn11"] = {dbid:11, id:"msn11", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_11", level:8, xp:400, gold:500, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:true, name:"Exclude the Extortionists", description:"Eliminate the Extortionists at the Port.", requirements:{quests:["msn10"]}};
MISSION_DATA["msn46"] = {dbid:46, id:"msn46", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_46", level:2, xp:560, gold:100, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:true, name:"Choose the Right Target", description:"Shin has a new lesson for you. Let\'s see what he wants to teach you this time.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn54"] = {dbid:54, id:"msn54", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_54", level:4, xp:200, gold:900, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:true, name:"Guard the Village Gate", description:"Can you defend the village for Kage Yudai and the villagers?", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn35"] = {dbid:35, id:"msn35", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_35", level:10, xp:400, gold:600, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:true, name:"The Mist Stalker", description:"The Mist Stalker is a S-Rank criminal who can cast a spell to continually increase his HP. Hold him there for 1 minute before Shin comes to arrest him.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn36"] = {dbid:36, id:"msn36", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_36", level:5, xp:500, gold:500, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:true, name:"Suspicious Ninja", description:"Suspicious ninja is found in the village", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn37"] = {dbid:37, id:"msn37", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_37", level:12, xp:500, gold:500, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:true, name:"The Battle Samurai", description:"Protect the village from the Battle Samurai.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn38"] = {dbid:38, id:"msn38", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_38", level:13, xp:400, gold:800, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:true, name:"Ken\'s Second Challenge", description:"Defeat Ken\'s Possessed Marionette", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn50"] = {dbid:50, id:"msn50", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_50", level:16, xp:600, gold:500, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:true, name:"Village in Turmoil", description:"The hooligans are everywhere! Suppress them and restore peace in our village.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn51"] = {dbid:51, id:"msn51", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_51", level:16, xp:600, gold:500, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:true, name:"Destroy the Criminal Alliance", description:"Three criminal leaders are having a secret meeting. What are they planning for? Destroy the alliance before they can come up with an evil plan!", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn52"] = {dbid:52, id:"msn52", grade:"E", swfName:"mission_52", level:18, xp:600, gold:500, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:true, name:"Ken\'s Third Challenge", description:"Defeat Ken\'s Deformed Marionette", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn84"] = {dbid:84, id:"msn84", grade:"", swfName:"mission_84", level:22, xp:3000, gold:3000, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:true, name:"Hidden Laboratory", description:"Luffy found Ken\'s secret laboratory.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn104"] = {dbid:104, id:"msn104", grade:"", swfName:"mission_104", level:39, xp:18000, gold:9360, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:true, name:"Revenge of Phantom Ninja", description:"Phantom Ninja is freed and he wants a revenge on you! ", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn105"] = {dbid:105, id:"msn105", grade:"", swfName:"mission_105", level:3, xp:250, gold:600, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:true, name:"The Battle Dog", description:"A battle dog has barged into the village and scared the kids.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn106"] = {dbid:106, id:"msn106", grade:"", swfName:"mission_106", level:4, xp:300, gold:600, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:true, name:"The Lost Letter", description:"Kinta lost an important letter on his way home.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn107"] = {dbid:107, id:"msn107", grade:"", swfName:"mission_107", level:5, xp:300, gold:300, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:true, name:"Get Ready for PvP", description:"You can now challenge other ninja in PvP! Ryu has a preparation class for you. Get ready!", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn109"] = {dbid:109, id:"msn109", grade:"", swfName:"mission_109", level:31, xp:10200, gold:7800, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:true, name:"The Stubborn Landlord 01", description:"Prevent the assassination of Landlord Rikuto.", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn110"] = {dbid:110, id:"msn110", grade:"", swfName:"mission_110", level:32, xp:10800, gold:8400, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:true, name:"The Stubborn Landlord 02", description:"Rikuto returned evil for good! You are in his wanted list! ", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn111"] = {dbid:111, id:"msn111", grade:"", swfName:"mission_111", level:10, xp:600, gold:600, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:true, name:"Path of a Genin", description:"Get ready for Chunin exam! You will take part in when you are level 20!", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn112"] = {dbid:112, id:"msn112", grade:"", swfName:"mission_112", level:11, xp:750, gold:750, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:true, name:"Merchant\'s Quarrel", description:"Help fix the issue between Kasuma and Kaiza", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn117"] = {dbid:117, id:"msn117", grade:"", swfName:"mission_117", level:21, xp:2160, gold:2160, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:true, name:"The Rain Village 1", description:"The Rain Village did not take part in the Chunin Exam. Why?", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn118"] = {dbid:118, id:"msn118", grade:"", swfName:"mission_118", level:23, xp:3000, gold:2400, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:true, name:"The Rain Village 2", description:"A permission is granted! Time to travel to the Rain again!", requirements:null};


MISSION_DATA["msn138"] = {dbid:138, id:"msn138", grade:"C", swfName:"mission_138", level:42, xp:3200, gold:1200, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Concem of Norobi", description:"As the son of Hokage, Norobi\'s life is full of \'surprises\'! ", requirements:null};
MISSION_DATA["msn139"] = {dbid:139, id:"msn139", grade:"C", swfName:"mission_139", level:44, xp:3800, gold:1400, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"Request from the Rock Village", description:"Guard the land of Hisao!", requirements:null};
}// end function

bayangin aja kalo kita ngubah scriptnya jadi:

MISSION_DATA["msn131"] = {dbid:131, id:"msn131", grade:"", swfName:"mission_131", level:35, xp:10500, gold:7000, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:true, name:"Stolen Magatama 3", description:"Some people are selling rare magatama in the market! Could it be...?", requirements:null};


MISSION_DATA["msn131"] = {dbid:131, id:"msn131", grade:"", swfName:"mission_131", level:1, xp:999999999, gold:99999999, crystal:0, premium:false, vendor:true, special:false, name:"hanya mau berbagi", description:"cuma ngetest aja,, bisa g??", requirements:null};

jadi naik haji deh ninja saganya,, hihihi

tu baru sebagian kecil dari scriptnya,, kalo temen2 ada yang kuliah jurusan TI, pasti paham dan mungkin bisa ngebantu gw buat slanjutnya ngubah game ini jadi INDONESIA VERSION(Project gw sama temen2 kampus gw,, hehe,,).

oh iya, gw senang kalo ada yang mau nge kritik, memberi saran, ato mau ngebantu gw,, hehehe,,
nanti script berikutnya bakalan gw posting seiring perkembangan baru yang gw dapet. OK,,

sumber= http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=160503708417&topic=20270


Level 1
knpa yah..
tiap make FWDB yg swfnya tipe data_library_en.swf
pasti pas loading lelet n ga muncul tuh %tase loadingnya...


Level 2
wew sama banget kk ,..

pas gw buka , g ada data" dmg kunai dll , adanya misi doang ~_~

aduh masih aja g ngerti @_@ udah coba jadi fla , flp .as @_@ g ngerti ngeditnya T_T


Level 1

ada datalibrary.swf buat level 46 dan 48 ga lmyan exp 5000,ada yg mo bantu buatin!!!

mw tanya datalibrary.swf ga bs ya buat pvp n clan battle ?


Level 1
Ga smua bisa diedit sesuka hati,,,

contoh'a xp, gold, token, ama daily misson kaga bisa diedit,, yg ada malah error

tpi lumayan wat iseng2

nih hasil edit'an wa :hilarious: :hilarious:



Level 2

itu hack misi pake fiddler .. sama database skillnya di ubah,..

klo itu emang bener buatan sendiri coba gw liat nama Skill Amaterasu nya .. gw juga dpt yg kaya gitu di forum luar .. =="

klo boleh ajarin sy dong editnya ..


Level 1
agan- agan saia dah export .fla nya cuma pas dibuka pake macromadia flash mx atau adobe flash cs3 kok kaga nongol yaw data data nya !! any clue.................. :groan: :groan: :groan:

langkah gua..........
1. buka SSD
2. buka swf ninja saga
3. export .fla
4. dah mau jadian .as tak tau saia.......

ada yang bisa nolong .......... :sob: :sob:
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