ane abis dapet swf baru nih gann
skill dewa
Use this cheat at your own risk
not permanen skill, but helping in mission
i make it my self
just 1 step
I'm trying to make it permanent and no banned
1. use fidler
2. kosongkan skill kamu, jika tidak error / "important : Empty your skill = if not get error"
3. mainkan misi 2
4. dapatkan sekil baru dengan mamainkan misi 2
5. mainkan misi yang lainya dengan skil baru kamu,
6. sekarang kamu bisa memasang skill kamu yang
7.. just edit the skill what u want in mission_2.swf
if you want to get out of the ninja saga, you should empty your skills
because the skills will be lost automatically.
If you out of the ninja saga and still uses the skills, meybe you get banned, meybe not.
credit : ekopns
tambahan itu skill nya berupa serene mind + deat touch palm gan monggo di coba