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[Study]Ninja Saga [Facebook Game] Post Ga Berguna = Hapus

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3 SD
Level 2

Coba Kamu Lawan Temen Kamu di PVP ! ChelengFrien apalah Itu Lupa gua !

Coba Kamu Lawan Kesitu ! ( Biasa Nya Nge Save )

Di Coba ! ( Saya lagi ga Bisa Maen NS ) ( Koneksi Nya lagi Lemot )

-Makasih- + + + + + I Love + :content:


3 SD
Level 2
@ juraganjengkol
yup segala cara buat ng`save udah ane coba gan, dan sekarang uda ke 5xnya char ane eror setelah ngubah expnya :sob:
tapi thanks atas cheatnya, jadi bisa belajar lagi tentang CE :grin:


3 SD
Level 2
@kingkong11 thanks pencerahannya ane pake speed hack 3.0
Hati" Loch Pots kk Terlaluu Singkat & Bersifat Junk !
tar Kena Warm loch !

Berterima Kaslih Cukup dengan Meng Klick +
Lebih baik di Edit !

Baca Rules Sebelum Post !

Sama - Sama ( Masih Banyak Rahasia di Balik CE Yg Belum Terungkap ) Mari Kita Bongkar Bersama !

-Makasih- + + + + + I Love + :content:


Belum Sekolah
Level 1
kk td ane barusan bsa tp lewat lawan ma pren
xp hacknya jalan cuma koq bis itu jd error conection yah??
untung g d char asli :hilarious:
yg gold gmn kk??
step nya beda klo g lawan bos tnyata :dizzy:


3 SD
Level 2

Emang jadi Berubah Gak tau Kenapa !

lawan Musih Biasa Sama Lawan Boz Beda Cara Nya >.<~

anehhh ! Padahal Sama" Kill Monster ^_^ Tapi Cuma Beda dikit Kok !

-Makasih- + + + + + I Love + :content:


Belum Sekolah
Level 1
nih dpt hasil otak atik
tp koq client side yah???

mohon pencerahannya
pas ud slesein duel
msuhnya mati smua BP nya jgan d ilangin dlu
trus pencet F9
nah EAX nya itu jumlah exp kamu
trus pencetr F9 lagi
itu EAX nya jadi gold kamu
slanjutnya hp, trus cakra

tp koq gbsa save :dizzy:


1 SD
Level 2
Ninja saga quest &boss cheat

Tools: * Cheat Engine 5.X
* Fiddler
* IE or Chrome
* Flash 10
* SWF Files = http://www.ziddu.com/download/10030150/NS-Super-Cheat.zip.html

Steps: 1. Clear browser cache.
2. Download above SWF files (code_library.swf, data_library_en.swf, hunting_house.swf ) and drag into fiddler autoresponder to replace the swf files.
3. Go into Ninja Saga.
4. Now you should see that all emblem missions, lvl 1 can fight bosses, practice mode is all bosses.

One Hit kill cheat (use this cheat to kill bosses for leveling) buat 1 hit kill

1. Open a fight with friends, hunting horse or mission. don't click attack/skill
2. Open Cheat Engine 5.X,
3. Process firefox.exe(Browser.exe)
4. Setting tick 'array of bytes' and 'select Also scan read-only memory(ASROM)'
5. Scan '89065E5BC208003B7B54'
6. Right click on adress then select Dissasemble
7. Right click the selected code then select 'Toggle breakpoint'
8. Go back in Ninja Saga and then hit your enemy, (The browser will freeze)
9. Go again to CE. And click debug > run 2TIMES
10. At the right side is the Register panel. Double click the EAX and change the value to "0"
11. Now right click the Selected Line code and select "Toggle Break Point" > "Debug" > "Run" (to unfreeze the game)
12. Now your enemy is dead (-;
13. Repeat these Steps when you in Battle, Have Fun!

Credits: Dargon412@fREE2SW4U

kalo work pencet aja tanda + :hilarious:


Level 1

kalo EXP saya Waktu Itu dari Level 28 Ke 40 Tuh aku tambah 1 Juta EXP Tu Level 39 Kurang Dikit !

Nah kira" Berapa tuu EXP nya .. !

Kalo dari level 1 Mungkin EXP yg harus di Hasilkan Kurng Lebih 5 juta ++

Tapi Itu Masih Belum Tepat ( Takut Nya Lebih ) - - - - > Takada Salah Nya di Coba !

-Makasih- + + + + + I Love + :content:

thx udah kasih cluenya...
tapi sayang... bener kata om kingkong.. dah gak bisa lagi ya....

barusan di tes... pada waktu scan 1 hit kill ketemu eax untuk exp dan gold.. gua coba ubah.. game nya terus berjalan tanpa masalah...
pada saat refresh... tuiiinggg... ilang semua.......
dan salah satu char ku ketemu error 297 dari ninja saga.... error 297 << sadis bener (delete char dah)

tambahan all
ada info nih.. dapet dari tetangga level 1 bisa akses semua misi emblem dan fight semua boss..
ntar tak kasih tutorialnya... untuk bahan ide aja...
karna udah ku tes.. kayaknya nih tutorial dah gak bisa lagi.... kali aja ada yg nemu cara lain..


1. Open Fiddler.
2. Go to autoresponder and ensure both 'Enable Automatic.. ' and 'Permit pass...' are ticked
3. Click ADD.
4. A 'String To Match' will appear, change it to regex:(?insx)^.*data_library_en\.swf$
5. Click on the ▼ button beside the Save. And select 'File a file'
6. Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select '(All-Quest-Lv1)-data_library_en.swf'
7. Click ADD.
8. A 'String To Match' will appear, change it to regex:(?insx)^.*code_library\.swf$
9. Click on the ▼ button beside the Save. And select 'File a file'
10. Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select '(Random-With-Boss)-code_library.swf' Click Save.
11. Click ADD.
12. A 'String To Match' will appear, change it to regex:(?insx)^.*hunting_house\.swf$
13. Click on the ▼ button beside the Save. And select 'File a file'
14. Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select '(Enabled)-hunting_house.swf' Click Save.
15. Very Important or it will not work. Clear Browser Cache. Read the Fiddler tutorial to see how to clear cache. [Fiddler Tutorial]
16. Reload NS and now you should see that all emblem missions, lvl 1 can fight bosses, practice mode is all bosses. Low levels may NOT be able to see the bosses in Hunting Houses, so just to to Battle>Practice to level up
Have fun leveling.

yg ini file pendukung nya... >>> http://www.ziddu.com/download/10030554/NS-Super-Cheat.zip.html <<<

edit :
@^ beda 7 menit nih postnya....
maksudnya yang ini kan..? udah saya coba... sepertinya tidak bisa lagi ya...


Level 1
Ninja saga quest &boss cheat

Tools: * Cheat Engine 5.X
* Fiddler
* IE or Chrome
* Flash 10
* SWF Files = http://www.ziddu.com/download/10030150/NS-Super-Cheat.zip.html

Steps: 1. Clear browser cache.
2. Download above SWF files (code_library.swf, data_library_en.swf, hunting_house.swf ) and drag into fiddler autoresponder to replace the swf files.
3. Go into Ninja Saga.
4. Now you should see that all emblem missions, lvl 1 can fight bosses, practice mode is all bosses.

One Hit kill cheat (use this cheat to kill bosses for leveling) buat 1 hit kill

1. Open a fight with friends, hunting horse or mission. don't click attack/skill
2. Open Cheat Engine 5.X,
3. Process firefox.exe(Browser.exe)
4. Setting tick 'array of bytes' and 'select Also scan read-only memory(ASROM)'
5. Scan '89065E5BC208003B7B54'
6. Right click on adress then select Dissasemble
7. Right click the selected code then select 'Toggle breakpoint'
8. Go back in Ninja Saga and then hit your enemy, (The browser will freeze)
9. Go again to CE. And click debug > run 2TIMES
10. At the right side is the Register panel. Double click the EAX and change the value to "0"
11. Now right click the Selected Line code and select "Toggle Break Point" > "Debug" > "Run" (to unfreeze the game)
12. Now your enemy is dead (-;
13. Repeat these Steps when you in Battle, Have Fun!

Credits: Dargon412@fREE2SW4U

kalo work pencet aja tanda + :hilarious:
dah gak work gan... value dah keganti... nih ane aja lagi nyari"


3 SD
Level 2
kalo mw run 2x jangan cepet" di run 2x gan, liat eaxnya dulu gan...
kalo di f9 sekali eax akan berubah nah itu adalah HP kita, dan di f9 sekali lagi nah eax akan berganti lagi nah itu baru HP momon yang kita lawan...
jadi cluenya pas BP kita serang momonnya abis itu f9 sekali trus dengerin suara hit baru setelah itu f9 sekali lagi...

klo berhasil g nolak + nya gan :hilarious:


Level 1
Cheat Lv sama gold Yg make CE ane lom coba.. lagian jg rada resiko...

Ini cheat yg menurut ane masih work... tested ampe ane posting..
kolaborasi bang charlie sama mas CE

1. Lv hack
2. Gold hack
3. Gift hack


Level 1
kok gw make yang One Hit Kill pas abis run 2x nya, langsung diem NSnya, di CEnya EAXnya juga udah gak bisa diubah. pencerahan plis
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