radical enggine yang mana bosss.
yang di post ma sigila 7. 2/ atau radical enggine 7.1.
coba nih liat cara pake biar jalan di ntreev.
katanya sih:
klo gw sih biar jalanpake enggine radical 7.2 yang di post ma si gila di atas dan 100% work
maap hot gw gak tau.. gw ralat lagi deh kata2 gw di atas.
maap om momod/all lom sempet gw trans latte
trans latte sendiri aja yah KK.
ini gw ambil dari form GZP.
when you have the error 1013 dont reboot your computer
1 ) Remove all files in c: \ windows \ Prefetch ,c:\windows\temp
If again error 1013 delete Folder GameGuard in your installation of game not risk !
2) Run OpenFirst.exe
Click Edit then Settings ,look in Extra and Tick on Query memory region ....,Read/Write Process Memory...
Dont close OpenFirst.exe !!!!!.
3) Now Run Owned engine GC.exe or RADical 7.1 ,clic on << OPEN ENGINE >>
UNTICK auto attaching for Write ProjectG.exe and Re tick case
All your value cheat save with the name file Hackpack.ct is faster for next time
4) launch Pangya ....
when you are on game login
CLOSE fast the program openfirst.exe !!!!!
Why ? because after a few minutes even less ,the Game guard Detect this Program
then search value,hex,byte ..... with radical Engine and after if you want save HackPack.ct (not require but too fast for next time) as sora
klo ada yg sempet tolong trans latte aja..
gw lagi gak sempet.
thanks B4
yang di post ma sigila 7. 2/ atau radical enggine 7.1.
coba nih liat cara pake biar jalan di ntreev.
katanya sih:
maap hot gw gak tau.. gw ralat lagi deh kata2 gw di atas.
maap om momod/all lom sempet gw trans latte
trans latte sendiri aja yah KK.
ini gw ambil dari form GZP.
when you have the error 1013 dont reboot your computer
1 ) Remove all files in c: \ windows \ Prefetch ,c:\windows\temp
If again error 1013 delete Folder GameGuard in your installation of game not risk !

2) Run OpenFirst.exe

Click Edit then Settings ,look in Extra and Tick on Query memory region ....,Read/Write Process Memory...
Dont close OpenFirst.exe !!!!!.
3) Now Run Owned engine GC.exe or RADical 7.1 ,clic on << OPEN ENGINE >>
UNTICK auto attaching for Write ProjectG.exe and Re tick case

All your value cheat save with the name file Hackpack.ct is faster for next time
4) launch Pangya ....
when you are on game login
CLOSE fast the program openfirst.exe !!!!!
Why ? because after a few minutes even less ,the Game guard Detect this Program
then search value,hex,byte ..... with radical Engine and after if you want save HackPack.ct (not require but too fast for next time) as sora
klo ada yg sempet tolong trans latte aja..
gw lagi gak sempet.
thanks B4