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Gukguk Love Cat
Level 2
Macro rubah Rice Pouch jadi Sweet Rice

automacro TanyaNenek {
run-once 1
inventory "Sweet Rice" < 1
inventory "Rice Pouch" = 14
call Move1

macro Move1 {
pause 1
do move payon_in01 191 30
pause 1
do talk @npc (193 30) payon_in01
pause 1
call Cucu

macro Cucu {
$i = 0
$c = 14

do move payon 213 123
pause 1

while ($i <= $c) as WCucu

do talk @npc (215 127) payon
do talk cont
do talk cont
do talk cont
do talk cont
do talk cont
pause 1


end WCucu
release TanyaNenek

automacro KeNenek {
run-once 1
inventory "Sweet Rice" = 14
call Move2

macro Move2 {
pause 1
$b = 0
do move payon_in01 191 30

while ($b <= $c) as LoopNenek
do talk @npc (193 30) payon_in01
do talk cont

pause 1
do talk @npc (193 30) payon_in01

end LoopNenek
release KeNenek
Pengaturan :
[1] $i dan $b jangan di ganti, biarkan 0
[2] $c adalah banyak Rice Pouch yg mo di tuker jadi Sweet Rice
[3] inventory "Rice Pouch" = 14 angka 14 disamakan dengan angka yang anda akan tulis di $c
[4] inventory "Sweet Rice" = 14 angka 14 disamakan dengan angka yang anda akan tulis di $c

Contoh :
Mo buat 100 Sweet Rice

$c = 100

inventory "Rice Pouch" = 100

inventory "Sweet Rice" = 100


Gukguk Love Cat
Level 2
Macro Disconnect Auto

DC Jika ada 3 monster agresif :
automacro DCOi {
aggressives > 3
call DC

macro DC {
do relog 30
do relog 30
do relog 50
release all
DC Jika HP < 5% (Sekarat) :
automacro DCHP {
run-once 1
hp < 5%
call DC

macro DC {
do relog 30
do relog 30
do relog 50
release all
DC Jika ada monster tertentu / MVP :
automacro DCMonsters {
monster Orc Lord
call DC

automacro DCMonsters {
monster Orc Hero
call DC

macro DC {
do relog 30
do relog 30
do relog 50
release all
Gabungan semua macro :
automacro DCOi {
aggressives > 3
call DC

automacro DCHP {
run-once 1
hp < 5%
call DC

automacro DCMonsters {
monster Orc Lord
call DC

automacro DCMonsters {
monster Orc Hero
call DC

macro DC {
do relog 30
do relog 30
do relog 50
release all


Level 1
Macro Soul Linker

automacro lodiserangskill {
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on you - dmg: \b[0-9A-Z!]{1,5}\b/i
call reconnect
automacro lodiserangattack {
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks you - dmg: \b[0-9A-Z!]{1,5}\b/i
call reconnect

macro reconnect {
do relog 300

############Macro Soul Linker##############
automacro link {
pm "soul"
call {
$id = @player ($.lastpm)
if ($id < 0) stop
$jobID = @eval ($::players{$::playersID[$id]}->{jobID})
if ($jobID = 7) goto knight
if ($jobID = 13) goto knight
if ($jobID = 4008) goto knight
if ($jobID = 4014) goto knight
if ($jobID = 12) goto assassin
if ($jobID = 4013) goto assassin
if ($jobID = 10) goto smith
if ($jobID = 4011) goto smith
if ($jobID = 14) goto paladin
if ($jobID = 21) goto paladin
if ($jobID = 4015) goto paladin
if ($jobID = 4022) goto paladin
if ($jobID = 4012) goto sniper
if ($jobID = 11) goto sniper
if ($jobID = 16) goto professor
if ($jobID = 4017) goto professor
if ($jobID = 8) goto priest
if ($jobID = 4009) goto priest
if ($jobID = 15) goto champion
if ($jobID = 4016) goto champion
if ($jobID = 4010) goto wizard
if ($jobID = 4018) goto stalker
if ($jobID = 18) goto creator
if ($jobID = 4019) goto creator
if ($jobID = 4020) goto clown
if ($jobID = 4021) goto clown
if ($jobID = 19) goto clown
if ($jobID = 20) goto clown
if ($jobID = 4047) goto star
if ($jobID = 4049) goto soul
if ($jobID = 23) goto snoob
do sp 451 $.lastpm
release link
do sp 448 $.lastpm
release link
do sp 461 $.lastpm
release link
do sp 452 $.lastpm
release link
do sp 454 $.lastpm
release link
do sp 453 $.lastpm
release link
do sp 458 $.lastpm
release link
do sp 460 $.lastpm
release link
do sp 457 $.lastpm
release link
do sp 450 $.lastpm
release link
do sp 447 $.lastpm
release link
do sp 449 $.lastpm
release link
do sp 445 $.lastpm
release link
do sp 455 $.lastpm
release link
do sp 456 $.lastpm
release link

Cara pakenya WIps bilang soul
momga2 berguna :smiley_beer:

Credit by: d-bests.com


3 SD
Level 2
Macro untuk lex aeterna
automacro absorbNlex{

console /Player PriestTarHere (.*) is casting Vigor Absorption on monster (.*?) \((\d+)\)/i
exclusive 1
call lexMonster

macro lexMonster{
do sm 78 $.lastMatch3

kalo g bisa tolong di koreksi y........
itu berarti nama monknya "PriestTarHere" lalu pada saat menggunakan vigor absorption langsung meng lex aterna?

bagaimana kalau dirubah menjadi gini di char misalnya hunter

console /Player namaprisnya (.*) is casting Lex Aterna on monster (.*?) \((\d+)\)/i
exclusive 1
call lexMonster

macro lexMonster{
do sm xx $.lastMatch3
(xx itu skill misalnya double strafe)

lalu di prisnya gini:

console /Player namahunter (.*) is attacking monster (.*?) \((\d+)\)/i
exclusive 1
call lexMonster

macro lexMonster{
do sm 78 $.lastMatch3
jadi meng link.... =p

wah... aku salah tempat post ya? sorry ko ferry. klo bisa dipindahin ke bagian bahas macro dong... sorry2 sekali lagi... >.<


Level 1
Macro Lepas Equip

automacro lepas_equip {
status hp <= 15%
pause 1
call release_equip

macro release_equip {
pause 1
do uneq (Isi Nama equip)

automacro pasang_equip {
status hp > 50%
pause 1
call equip

macro equip {
pause 1
do eq @inventory (Isi Nama Equip)

Created By kriegsmarine


Level 1
Macro Priest Kikir

automacro Pelit {
pubm /heal/
call kikir

macro kikir {
do c Sorry kk sp lagi bocor >.<
pause 2
do e sry
Macro Paketin Dengan Biasa

automacro mintaheal {
pubm /heal/
call giveheal

macro giveheal {
pause 1
do sp 28 $.lastpub
pause 2
do sp 28 $.lastpub
do c Dah y hayo mau minta apalagi !!!!<div>
Macro Avoid
automacro avoid {
map moc_fild12
monster Geographer, 12
#Notice the coma space and number 12 above? This avoid automacro only trigger if any of the monster list
#distance is equal or less than the number given.
timeout 5
exclusive 1
set Move 10
#set Move to how many distance per trigger you want it to move.
call check
macro check {
$mon = $.lastMonster
$monID = $.lastMonsterID
$dist = $.lastMonsterDist
$monPos = $.lastMonsterPos
$map = $.map
$myPos = $.pos
$myPosX = @arg ("$myPos", 1)
$myPosY = @arg ("$myPos", 2)
$monPosX = @arg ("$monPos", 1)
$monPosY = @arg ("$monPos", 2)
$map = $.map
do eval message T("Macro Avoid: $::Macro::Data::varStack{mon} \($::Macro::Data::varStack{monID}\)\n"), "teleport"; message T("Monster Dist\= $::Macro::Data::varStack{dist} \, Monster Loc\: \($::Macro::Data::varStack{monPosX},$::Macro::Data::varStack{monPosY}\) Map\= $::Macro::Data::varStack{map}\n"), "teleport";
do as

if ($myPosX > $monPosX) goto east
if ($myPosX < $monPosX) goto west
if ($myPosY < $monPosY) goto X0south
if ($myPosY > $monPosY) goto X0north
log We have the same co-ord to the Monster
do @random ("east", "west", "south", "north") $Move
log Move Random
log Monster Loc: North X-axis0
do south $Move
log Move South
log Monster Loc: South X-axis0
do north $Move
log Move North

if ($myPosY < $monPosY) goto eastSouth
if ($myPosY > $monPosY) goto eastNorth
log Monster Loc: West Y-axis0
do east $Move
log Move East
log Monster Loc: NorthWest
do southeast $Move
log Move South East
log Monster Loc: SouthWest
do northeast $Move
log Move North East

if ($myPosY < $monPosY) goto westSouth
if ($myPosY > $monPosY) goto westNorth
log Monster Loc: East Y-axis0
do west $Move
log Move West
log Monster Loc: NorthEast
do southwest $Move
log Move South West
log Monster Loc: SouthEast
do northwest $Move
log Move North West
release avoid

Macro Paket Biasa
automacro paket {
pubm /paket/
call paket1

macro paket1 {
do sp 34 $.lastpub
pause 2
do sp 29 $.lastpub

[b]Credit by Freedom(Macro Avoid)[/b]


Level 1
Macro Menuju Nameless dengan sistem Warp Portal

automacro nameless {
map moc_fild07
inventory "Blue Gemstone" > 0
weight < 48%
run-once 1
call nameless1

macro nameless1 {
do move 203 39
pause 1
do sl 27 206 39
pause 2
do warp 1
pause 1
do move 206 39
pause 1.5
do move 117 120
pause 0
do talknpc 125 128 c r0 n
release nameless
dengan catatan udah ngejalanin questnya yah


4 SD
Level 2
note : - jangan lupa set harga tiap kota and harus berbeda, karena merupakan pemicu triger
- Bahasa komputer di ubah pakai bahasa Indonesia

automacro one {
console /Anda duduk./i
call {
do chat create "J>Goat 2.5k|Ice 2k,Geo 1.8k|+paket" 2 0 1111

automacro two {
console /(.*) \(level (\d+)\) Mengajukan Transaksi/i
call {
do pm "$.lastMatch1" Warp ke GEO 1.800 z
do pm "$.lastMatch1" Warp ke ICe - 2.000 z
do pm "$.lastMatch1" Warp ke Goat - 2.500 z
do pm "$.lastMatch1" Kesalahan/kegagalan Warp bukan tanggung jawab kami

automacro three {
console /Anda mendapatkan 1.800 zeny./i
set repeat 1
call {
do chat leave
pause 1
do e heh
do sp 28 "$.lastMatch1" 10
pause 0.2
#skill blessing
do sp 34 "$.lastMatch1" 10
#skill increase agi
pause 1
do sp 29 "$.lastMatch1" 10
do c @random ("Terima kasih sudah menggunakan Jasa kami...","Warp akan di buka, 30 detik warp portal akan tertutup...","Kamu membayar saya, saya akan menolongmu warp,mudah khan...")
do e thx
$distance = $.lastMatch2
$namaPlayer = $.lastMatch3
$playerID = $.lastMatch4
$i = @player($namaPlayer)
$warpslot = 1

$posx = @rand (1,2)
$posy = @rand (1,2)
$cellIsFull = 0

do eval $::Macro::Data::varStack{cellIsFull} = 0;foreach (@{$::playersList->getItems()}) { next if (($_->{pos_to}{x} != $posx) || ($_->{pos_to}{y} != $posy));$::Macro::Data::varStack{cellIsFull} = 1; last;}

if ($cellIsFull == 1) goto loop
$mex = @arg ("$.pos", 1)
$mey = @arg ("$.pos", 2)
$herex = @eval ($mex + $posx)
$herey = @eval ($mey + $posy)
do sl 27 $herex $herey
pause 1.3
do warp $warpslot
pause 2
do warp ein_fild04

automacro four {
console /Anda mendapatkan 2.000 zeny./i
set repeat 1
call {
do chat leave
pause 1
do e heh
do sp 28 "$.lastMatch1" 10
pause 0.2
#skill blessing	
do sp 34 "$.lastMatch1" 10
#skill increase agi
pause 1
do sp 29 "$.lastMatch1" 10
do c @random ("Terima kasih sudah menggunakan Jasa kami...","Warp akan di buka, 30 detik warp portal akan tertutup...","Kamu membayar saya, saya akan menolongmu warp,mudah khan")
do e thx
$distance = $.lastMatch2
$namaPlayer = $.lastMatch3
$playerID = $.lastMatch4
$i = @player($namaPlayer)
$warpslot = 2

$posx = @rand (1,2)
$posy = @rand (1,2)
$cellIsFull = 0

do eval $::Macro::Data::varStack{cellIsFull} = 0;foreach (@{$::playersList->getItems()}) { next if (($_->{pos_to}{x} != $posx) || ($_->{pos_to}{y} != $posy));$::Macro::Data::varStack{cellIsFull} = 1; last;}

if ($cellIsFull == 1) goto loop
$mex = @arg ("$.pos", 1)
$mey = @arg ("$.pos", 2)
$herex = @eval ($mex + $posx)
$herey = @eval ($mey + $posy)
do sl 27 $herex $herey
pause 1.3
do warp $warpslot
pause 2
do warp ra_fild01

automacro five {
console /Anda mendapatkan 2.500 zeny./i
set repeat 1
call {
do chat leave
pause 1
do e heh
do sp 28 "$.lastMatch1" 10
pause 0.2
#skill blessing
do sp 34 "$.lastMatch1" 10
#skill increase agi
pause 1
do sp 29 "$.lastMatch1" 10
do c @random ("Terima kasih sudah menggunakan Jasa kami...","Warp akan di buka, 30 detik warp portal akan tertutup...","Kamu membayar saya, saya akan menolongmu warp,mudah khan")
do e thx
$distance = $.lastMatch2
$namaPlayer = $.lastMatch3
$playerID = $.lastMatch4
$i = @player($namaPlayer)
$warpslot = 3

$posx = @rand (1,2)
$posy = @rand (1,2)
$cellIsFull = 0

do eval $::Macro::Data::varStack{cellIsFull} = 0;foreach (@{$::playersList->getItems()}) { next if (($_->{pos_to}{x} != $posx) || ($_->{pos_to}{y} != $posy));$::Macro::Data::varStack{cellIsFull} = 1; last;}

if ($cellIsFull == 1) goto loop
$mex = @arg ("$.pos", 1)
$mey = @arg ("$.pos", 2)
$herex = @eval ($mex + $posx)
$herey = @eval ($mey + $posy)
do sl 27 $herex $herey
pause 1.3
do warp $warpslot
pause 2
do warp ein_fild06
:smiley_beer: Enjoy and Happy Warper :00100000:


Level 1
Untuk Macro Ngomelin Org Nympah

automacro Ngamuk {
do console Dropping target - you will not kill steal others
call woi

macro woi {
do c Dasar Bisanya nyampah doang mo jadi apalo!!!
pause 0
do c gw kutuk lo jadi kuda bru tau rasa nanti
do e ire


Level 1
pengen share ni, simple, dan mgkn berguna ^o^

SYARAT harus ada di payon !

automacro no1 {
inventory "Rough Oridecon" > 4
call {
do ai manual
pause 1
do move 135 178
pause 1
do talk @npc(137 178)
pause 1
do talk resp 0
pause 1
do ai on
timeout 1

automacro no2 {
inventory "Oridecon" > 0
inventory "Rough Oridecon" < 5
call {
do ai manual
pause 1
do move 173 226
pause 1
do talk @npc(175 226)
pause 1
do talk resp 1
pause 1
do storage add @inventory(Oridecon)
pause 1
do storage get @storage(Rough Oridecon) 100
pause 1
do storage close
pause 1
do ai on
timeout 1

automacro no3 {
inventory "Oridecon" < 1
inventory "Rough Oridecon" < 5
call {
do ai manual
pause 1
do move 173 226
pause 1
do talk @npc(175 226)
pause 1
do talk resp 1
pause 1
do storage get @storage(Rough Oridecon) 100
pause 1
do storage close
pause 1
do ai on
timeout 1

automacro no4 {
storage "Rough Oridecon" = 0
call {
do quit
timeout 1
SIMPLE kan? hihi


Gukguk Love Cat
Level 2
Macro Pulang - Pergi Moskovia

Untuk Slave (Priest)
automacro WarpBack {
run-once 1
pm /pulangGukasdf/
overrideAI 1
call WarpToBack

macro WarpToBack {
$x = @arg("$.pos", 1)
$y = @arg("$.pos", 2)
$x0 = @eval($x + @rand(1,2))
$x1 = @eval($x - @rand(1,2))
$y0 = @eval($y - @rand(1,2))
$x2 = @random("$x0", "$x1")
pause 2
do sl 27 $x2 $y0
pause 1
do warp morocc
pause 1
do pm NamaMaster move $x2 $y0
release WarpBack

automacro WarpGo {
map morocc
run-once 1
overrideAI 1
pm /pergiGukasdf/
call WarpToGo

macro WarpToGo {
$x = @arg("$.pos", 1)
$y = @arg("$.pos", 2)
$x0 = @eval($x + @rand(1,2))
$x1 = @eval($x - @rand(1,2))
$y0 = @eval($y - @rand(1,2))
$x2 = @random("$x0", "$x1")
pause 2
do sl 27 $x2 $y0
pause 2
do warp mosk_fild02
pause 2
do pm NamaMaster move morocc $x2 $y0
release WarpGo
do reload macro

macro GagalPM {
do pm NamaMaster gagalGuk

automacro GagalJuga {
overrideAI 1
console /NamaMaster is not online/
call GagalPM

automacro KejarMaster2 {
map morocc
console /Calculating route to find master: mosk_fild02/
run-once 1
exclusive 1
call Kejar

automacro KejarMaster {
map morocc
console /Calculating route to find master: mosk_dun01/
run-once 1
exclusive 1
call Kejar

macro Kejar {
$x = @arg("$.pos", 1)
$y = @arg("$.pos", 2)
$x0 = @eval($x + @rand(1,2))
$x1 = @eval($x - @rand(1,2))
$y0 = @eval($y - @rand(1,2))
$x2 = @random("$x0", "$x1")
do sl 27 $x2 $y0
pause 2
do warp mosk_fild02
do move $x2 $y0
pause 10
release KejarMaster
release KejarMaster2

automacro Pulang {
overrideAI 1
location not morocc
console /Calculating route to find master: morocc/
call {
$x = @arg("$.pos", 1)
$y = @arg("$.pos", 2)
$x0 = @eval($x + @rand(1,2))
$x1 = @eval($x - @rand(1,2))
$y0 = @eval($y - @rand(1,2))
$x2 = @random("$x0", "$x1")
do sl 27 $x2 $y0
pause 2
do warp morocc
do move $x2 $y0
release Pulang

Untuk Master
automacro YukPergi {
map morocc
run-once 1
console /Calculating lockMap route to: Les Forest\(mosk_dun01\)(.*)/
call Pergi

automacro Gagal {
pm /gagalGuk/
run-once 1
call Pergi

automacro GaOL {
console /NamaSlave is not online/
run-once 1
call Pergi

automacro Pulang {
console /Calculating auto-storage route to: (.*)/
run-once 1
call PulangPulang

macro PulangPulang {
do pm NamaSlave pulangGukasdf
pause 3
do conf route_step 5
pause 10
release Pulang

macro Pergi {
do conf route_step 5
do pm NamaSlave pergiGukasdf
pause 5
release all
do reload macro

pastikan di overallAuth Priest
Master 1
dan overallAuth Master
Priest 1
Dimana Master dan Priest adalah nick char masing2,,

Dan di macro nya, yg di cetak tebal di ganti sama nick char masing2..


Gukguk Love Cat
Level 2
Macro Dual Linker (Spirit + PaketerSpirit)

Untuk Linker :
automacro link {
console /\[(jarak|dist)=(.*)\] (.*) \((\d+)\): (\*Kiss\*|\*Kiss 2\*|\*Flag\s\d\*)$/
sp > 20%
call linker

macro linker {
$distance = $.lastMatch2
$namaPlayer = $.lastMatch3
$id = $.lastMatch4
$playerguild = @eval (exists $::players{$::playersID[$id]}->{guild} ? $::players{$::playersID[$id]}->{guild}{name} : 'null')

$guild = TaroNamaGuildDiSini

if ($id < 0) stop
if ($distance > 6) goto jauh
if ($guild == $playerguild) goto ok
goto bukan

$jobID = @eval ($::players{$::playersID[$id]}->{jobID})
if ($jobID = 7) goto knight
if ($jobID = 13) goto knight
if ($jobID = 4008) goto knight
if ($jobID = 4014) goto knight
if ($jobID = 12) goto assassin
if ($jobID = 4013) goto assassin
if ($jobID = 10) goto smith
if ($jobID = 4011) goto smith
if ($jobID = 14) goto paladin
if ($jobID = 21) goto paladin
if ($jobID = 4015) goto paladin
if ($jobID = 4022) goto paladin
if ($jobID = 4012) goto sniper
if ($jobID = 11) goto sniper
if ($jobID = 16) goto professor
if ($jobID = 4017) goto professor
if ($jobID = 8) goto priest
if ($jobID = 4009) goto priest
if ($jobID = 15) goto champion
if ($jobID = 4016) goto champion
if ($jobID = 4010) goto wizard
if ($jobID = 4018) goto stalker
if ($jobID = 18) goto creator
if ($jobID = 4019) goto creator
if ($jobID = 4020) goto clown
if ($jobID = 4021) goto clown
if ($jobID = 19) goto clown
if ($jobID = 20) goto clown
if ($jobID = 4047) goto star
if ($jobID = 4049) goto soul
if ($jobID = 23) goto snoob
goto jauh

do e e5
release link
do e swt
do c dasar CUMI !!
release link

do sp 451 $id
release link

do sp 448 $id
release link
do sp 461 $id
release link
do sp 452 $id
release link
do sp 454 $id
release link
do sp 453 $id
release link
do sp 458 $id
release link
do sp 460 $id
release link
do sp 457 $id
release link
do sp 450 $id
release link
do sp 447 $id
release link
do sp 449 $id
release link
do sp 445 $id
release link
do sp 455 $id
release link
do sp 456 $id
release link

automacro SPAbis {
console /\[(jarak|dist)=(.*)\] (.*) \((\d+)\): (\*Kiss\*|\*Kiss 2\*|\*Flag\s\d\*)$/
sp < 20%
call Abis

macro Abis {
do e e32
do c sp gw bro, abis.. >.<
do c sabar yo??
release SPAbis

Untuk PaketerSpirit

automacro link {
console /\[(jarak|dist)=(.*)\] (.*) \((\d+)\): (\*Kiss\*|\*Kiss 2\*|\*Flag\s\d\*)$/
sp > 20%
call linker

macro linker {
$distance = $.lastMatch2
$namaPlayer = $.lastMatch3
$id = $.lastMatch4
$playerguild = @eval (exists $::players{$::playersID[$id]}->{guild} ? $::players{$::playersID[$id]}->{guild}{name} : 'null')

$guild = TaroNamaGuildDiSini

if ($id < 0) stop
if ($distance > 6) goto jauh
if ($guild == $playerguild) goto ok
goto bukan

do sp 462 $id
pause 1
do sp 463 $id
pause 1
do sp 464 $id
pause 1
do sp 465 $id
pause 2
do sp 466 $id
release link

do e e32
release link
do e e5
release link

automacro SpiritAbis {
status not Spirit
run-once 1
call Spirit

macro Spirit {
do e kis2
pause 10
release SpiritAbis

Cara Kerja,
1. Kalo ada Emot /kis /kis2 Ctrl +1 sampe Ctrl + 0 bakalan ke trigged (Kedua-duanya)
2. Kedua Soul Linker harus berdekatan, soalnya kalo PaketerSpirit abis Spiritnya, bakal keluarin emot /kis2 biar si Spiriter kasi Spirit ke PaketerSpirit

Kalo ada bug, share ya di [FaQ] Macro



Level 1
Macro Elemental Converter "work"

automacro frost {
inventory "Blank Scroll" >= 1
inventory "Snail Shell" >= 3
run-once 1
call frost

macro frost {
do storage close
do ss 1007
do send 8E 01 53 2F 00 00 00 00 00 00
release frost

automacro flame {
inventory "Blank Scroll" >= 1
inventory "Scorpion Tail" >= 3
run-once 1
call flame

macro flame {
do storage close
do ss 1007
do send 8E 01 52 2F 00 00 00 00 00 00
release flame

automacro wind {
inventory "Blank Scroll" >= 1
inventory "Rainbow Shell" >= 3
run-once 1
call wind

macro wind {
do storage close
do ss 1007
do send 8E 01 55 2F 00 00 00 00 00 00
release wind

automacro earth {
inventory "Blank Scroll" >= 1
inventory "Horn" >= 3
run-once 1
call earth

macro earth {
do storage close
do ss 1007
do send 8E 01 54 2F 00 00 00 00 00 00
release earth


MACRO JUDI CRAZY BORIS ( untuk private server )
credits by : bhamgun

automacro mulai {
map prontera  <--- kalau kotanya di prontera, kalo ada tempat editan tinggal ketik /where
run-once 1
call roulette

automacro die {
hp < 10%
do c @go 0
exclusive 1
call goler

automacro keberatan {
weight > 50%
do move 150 181 prontera
run-once 1
call berat

macro roulette {
do move 149 175 prontera
pause 1
do talk @npc (139 173) <--- koordinat NPC Crazy Boris disesuain sama NPC yang ada di PS masing masing
pause 1
do talk resp 0
pause 1
do talk resp 2
do talk resp 0
do talk resp 0
do talk resp 2
do talk resp 0
do talk resp 2
do talk resp 0
release mulai	

macro goler {
do c @go 0
pause 2
do talk @npc (151 187) <--- koordinat NPC Healer disesuain sama NPC yang ada di PS masing masing
call roulette
release die

macro berat {
do move 150 174 prontera
call storage

macro storage {
do move 153 177 prontera
do c @storage
do storage add @inventory (Elunium)             (hadiah hadiahnya disesuain dengan yang ada di PS masing masing, tinggal diganti namanya)
do storage add @inventory (Oridecon)
do storage add @inventory (Dragon Breath Cocktail)
do storage add @inventory (Hwergelmir's Tonic)
do storage add @inventory (Steamed Desert Scorpions)
do storage add @inventory (Immortal Stew)
do storage add @inventory (Cooked Nine Tail's)
do storage add @inventory (Steamed Tongue)
do storage add @inventory (Yggdrasil Berry)
do storage add @inventory (Yggdrasil Seed)
do storage close
call roulette
release keberatan


Level 1
Fiuuh dapet juga data lama post dlo deh

Macro PharmacYYyyyy
automacro WSP {
sp > 50

timeout 2
run-once 1

call pharmacy

macro pharmacy {
do ss 228
pause 0.5
do send 8e 01 23 02 00 00 00 00 00 00
call pharmacy


Level 1
Nih buat nambahin w ambil dari data lama jd selamat mencoba

automacro sukamaket1 {
pubm /paket/
do c Oke!!
call {
$ro = @player ($.lastpub)
do sp 34 $ro
pause 0.5
do sp 29 $ro
pause 1.2
do sp 361 $ro
do c Langsung Masuk Warp!!
do e 21
automacro info {
pubm /info/
call {
$p = @player ($.lastpub)
do c Halo, Kami dari Guild Impassive Mengajak anda
pause 0.5
do c Untuk bergabung bersama kami...
pause 0.5
do c silahkan tulis nama Job Anda
pause 0.5
do c Contoh : assassin cross, lord knight, gypsy, minstrel, mastersmith
pause 0.5
do c Kami hanya menerima Job 3 Kecuali Wizard, Soul Linker, Priest
pause 0.5
do c No Gaji.. Apabila anda berminat
pause 0.5
do c silahkan berikan command "request" tanpa (")
pause 0.5
do c Saya Minta Maaf, apabila ada Job yg tidak kami sebut
automacro request {
pubm /request/
call {
$p = @player ($.lastpub)
do guild request $p
pause 0.5
do g halo, Met Datang di Impassive!
automacro champion {
pubm /champion/
call {
$p = @player ($.lastpub)
do c RJ 500, Mastela 200, Honey 150
pause 0.5
do c No Gaji.. Apabila anda berminat
pause 0.5
do c silahkan berikan command "request" tanpa (")
pause 2
do chat kick 1
automacro assassin cross {
pubm /assassin cross/
call {
$p = @player ($.lastpub)
do c EDP 5, Mastela 500, Honey 50
pause 0.5
do c No Gaji.. Apabila anda berminat
pause 0.5
do c silahkan berikan command "request" tanpa (")
automacro Lord Knight {
pubm /lord knight/
call {
$p = @player ($.lastpub)
do c Honey 100, Mastela 1000, Cursed Water 15
pause 0.5
do c No Gaji.. Apabila anda berminat
pause 0.5
do c silahkan berikan command "request" tanpa (")
automacro professor {
pubm /professor/
call {
$p = @player ($.lastpub)
do c Mastela 500, RJ 200
pause 0.5
do c No Gaji.. Apabila anda berminat
pause 0.5
do c silahkan berikan command "request" tanpa (")
automacro minstrel {
pubm /minstrel/
call {
$p = @player ($.lastpub)
do c Mastela 500, RJ 50
pause 0.5
do c No Gaji.. Apabila anda berminat
pause 0.5
do c silahkan berikan command "request" tanpa (")
automacro gypsy {
pubm /gypsy/
call {
$p = @player ($.lastpub)
do c Mastela 500, RJ 50
pause 0.5
do c No Gaji.. Apabila anda berminat
pause 0.5
do c silahkan berikan command "request" tanpa (")
automacro biochemist {
pubm /biochemist/
call {
$p = @player ($.lastpub)
do c RJ 300, Mastela 200
pause 0.5
do c No Gaji.. Apabila anda berminat
pause 0.5
do c silahkan berikan command "request" tanpa (")
automacro paladin {
pubm /paladin/
call {
$p = @player ($.lastpub)
do c Mastela 500, honey 100
pause 0.5
do c No Gaji.. Apabila anda berminat
pause 0.5
do c silahkan berikan command "request" tanpa (")
automacro sniper {
pubm /sniper/
call {
$p = @player ($.lastpub)
do c Mastela 300, honey 100
pause 0.5
do c No Gaji.. Apabila anda berminat
pause 0.5
do c silahkan berikan command "request" tanpa (")
automacro wizard {
pubm /wizard/
call {
$p = @player ($.lastpub)
do c Mastela 500, RJ 100
pause 0.5
do c No Gaji.. Apabila anda berminat
pause 0.5
do c silahkan berikan command "request" tanpa (")
automacro high wizard {
pubm /high wizard/
call {
$p = @player ($.lastpub)
do c Mastela 500, RJ 100
pause 0.5
do c No Gaji.. Apabila anda berminat
pause 0.5
do c silahkan berikan command "request" tanpa (")
automacro Whitesmith {
pubm /mastersmith/
call {
$p = @player ($.lastpub)
do c Mastela 500, Honey 100
pause 0.5
do c No Gaji.. Apabila anda berminat
pause 0.5
do c silahkan berikan command "request" tanpa (")
automacro priest {
pubm /priest/
call {
$p = @player ($.lastpub)
do c Blue Gem 1000, Gaji 2jt
pause 0.5
do c silahkan berikan command "request" tanpa (")
automacro high priest {
pubm /high priest/
call {
$p = @player ($.lastpub)
do c Blue Gem 1000, Gaji 3jt
pause 0.5
do c silahkan berikan command "request" tanpa (")
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