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Level 2
wuadooww gimana tu ya akhirnya pein mati apa ngga ya??
tapi kata gw c ga mati smudah itu y. haha top deh buat naruto!
ceritanya bikin penasaran muluuu :hilarious:


Level 2
menurut gw akhirnya si pein mati juga....

tapi kalo pein mati belum tentu si nagato mati kan? trus masih ada yg cewe pake kertas2 itu... masih ada madara, masih ada sasuke..

wkwkwk jadi bingung cerita naruto gimana...


Level 1
hO'oh ...

naruto tu menurut gw mo bnuh semua tubuhnya si pein deh , trus ngajak pein asli buat damai ... tapi kan masih ada si konan , ga tau deh dikalahin ma siapa ,,, trus keqnya madara dikalahin ama yg punya mangekyou sharingan juga (sasuke) ...

haah , klo naruto abis pein ama madara mati belom tamat , terlalu dehh ... pwanjang bener .. ga kira-kira ... --a


Level 2
nii gue ksh spoiler naruto 444...
moga2 betull..

He then sees Jiraiya’s death and how Kakashi died from Nagato.

Nagato[Thoughts?]: I try to manipulate Naruto and take him back, but Naruto is resisting the black rod.

Konan: To repel Nagato’s chakra at this range, what a kid.

Naruto: [I don't get what he's saying, sorry]
Naruto’s eyes turn into frog + Kyuubi eyes

Naruto: I can’t forgive you, I want to kill you right now!

He charges at Nagato

But he stops just before him.

Naruto: I don’t know anything about you, why do you hate [Konoha]?
Talk to me!

Naruto 444 Chapter | Naruto 444 Raw

So Nagato starts talking

I have two pain[ful events], one of them is my parents being killed

Then Nagato begins talking about his past

At the height of the Great Ninja War, we had been too late at escaping, so we were hiding at our family’s house.
Two ninjas came into our house.

They were searching for some food

Nagato’s parents: Nagato, you need to hide.
Then they charge at the two ninja

The ninja: They’re enemies.
They kill his parents instantly.
The ninja: There’s one more around here.
The ninja search for food
They look at the corpses
The ninja: They were just civilians, huh. Why would civilians, in the middle of a battle… We’re sorry, kid

At that moment, lighting strikes outside, and what Nagato sees, is a Konoha headband


And then, the Rinnengan is activated
sii naruto pake frog sama kyubi chakra..
kerenn :hilarious:


Level 2
pokok nya cerita terakhir naruto ntu naruto mati bareng sama si sasuke....
sumpah gwe kagak boonk...
mo twu cerita nya cari aza di google


Level 1
kan klo itu mah masih perkiraan....

kyk ketua akatsuki aja

pertama di bilang yondaime,,,

g twnya bukan....

lagi pula

itu kan movienya,,,

bukan manganya jadi beda jalan ceritanya,,,

di situ di tulis masih ngelawan orochimaru

padahal yg sekarang aja orochimaru udah mati...


Level 2
cerita dari google mah gk bisa d percaya..

mending tunggu di one manga..

yang pasti" aja..

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