klo yg proxy tulisan'a gini
TokenAds is proud to present the new generation of fraud preventio
gmn tuh???
TokenAds is proud to present the new generation of fraud preventio
gmn tuh???
ngga gan, biasa aja. tapi gitu, bikin lemot. mkannya jarang"..@Up
yg pake cara proxy lu pake download" kagak?
kan gw dah bilang gan, yg revsnap atau offerpal doank. kalo yg lain g tau, coba pake VPN, cari digoogle. (kalo bisa share disini ya..)klo yg proxy tulisan'a gini
TokenAds is proud to present the new generation of fraud preventio
gmn tuh???
om,kalo menurut gw, kaga perlu sampe 163 mission d edit. mending menurut gw, file missions 1 aja yg di edit, tapi kita edit yg di data_en_librarynya kita edit juga!td b3z4d minta gw bwt ngeshare cheat lama yg masi work... nih
masukin 163 file swfnya ke autoresponder
gan...ane minta fiddlernya donk....thx gan
skalian minta tutorialnya gan buat make fiddle...thx be4
udah ada di page sebelumnya. dan saya menyarankan anda untuk membaca INI.yang cheat pet inokuchi minta tutorial gan...thx
tolong kalo ngepost sesuatu di cek dulu itu file atau .swf nya bisa apa kagak coz bikin spam aja nanti forum lounge ninja saganya.......mu share ajah:
sory klu Repost^^
* Firefox
* Fiddler
* ninja_saga-new.swf Link
1. Download the files above.
2. Open Fiddler.
3. Go to Autoresponder and ensure both 'Enable Automatic.. ' and 'Permit pass...' are ticked
4. Click ADD.
5. A 'String To Match' will appear, change it to regex?insx)^.*ninja_saga\.swf$
6. Click on the ▼ button beside the Save and select 'File a file'
7. Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select the file you just downloaded from me 'ninja_saga-new.swf'
8. Click SAVE
9. Now, just clear cache and reload NS.
10. Enter your profile and if you have replaced correctly, you can now reset your stats for free.
Klu Bermanpaat Klik [+] ya^^V
tutor tentang proxy kan ada di page one..@angelofdeath
bikin tutor cara dapetin token donk....
ane uda ngelakuin semuanya tp token nya gag masuk"
eh iye ada yg punya .swf nya bos yg APE gag???
klo ada upload ya gan...
eh iya para senior mana ini ane uda googling + nyari info supaya bisa nge edit tuh .swf tp ane masih binggung ngubah .fla ke .flp ke .as
tolong yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@Agan.....tolong kalo ngepost sesuatu di cek dulu itu file atau .swf nya bisa apa kagak coz bikin spam aja nanti forum lounge ninja saganya.......
oh iya 1 lg
klo ngepost dari copas mohon di cantum kan credit nya biar bisa menghargai karya orang lainnnn jgn isa nya cuma copaz![]()