# When your monster died, start checking for loot after x seconds
ai_items_take_start 0.2
# Stop checking for loot x seconds after it has begun checking.
ai_items_take_end 5
# When standing near an item, send the 'take' packet every x seconds until
# the item has been taken.
ai_take .2
# Give up if unable to pickup item after x seconds
ai_take_giveup 5
ai_items_gather_giveup 5
# Every x seconds, check items for gathering
ai_items_gather_auto .2
# Only gather items that have been more than x seconds on screen
ai_items_gather_start .2
Kalo masalah unt Plugins nya Teleport Cari barang ya..
Susa jg..
Kalo masalah failed to gather item biasanya itemnya uda ilang ato diambil ma player lain..
ato blum bisa di pungut soalnya blom abis timeout pungut item ma orang lainnya..
# When your monster died, start checking for loot after x seconds
ai_items_take_start 0.2
# Stop checking for loot x seconds after it has begun checking.
ai_items_take_end 5
# When standing near an item, send the 'take' packet every x seconds until
# the item has been taken.
ai_take .2
# Give up if unable to pickup item after x seconds
ai_take_giveup 5
ai_items_gather_giveup 5
# Every x seconds, check items for gathering
ai_items_gather_auto .2
# Only gather items that have been more than x seconds on screen
ai_items_gather_start .2
Kalo masalah unt Plugins nya Teleport Cari barang ya..
Susa jg..
Kalo masalah failed to gather item biasanya itemnya uda ilang ato diambil ma player lain..
ato blum bisa di pungut soalnya blom abis timeout pungut item ma orang lainnya..